OUTPACE TEXTBOOK SOLUTIONS Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

You are going to go through Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2.

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

Textbook questions and answers

Kayakave Kailasa

(Listening passage L – 2)

ILA – Your teacher reads a passage. Listen to it. Then answer the following questions:

Question 1.

Where was Bhaskara born?


Bhaskara was born in Bijapur.

Question 2.

Who was his father?


Maheshwaropadhyaya was Bhaskara’s father.

Question 3.

Why do we, Kannadigas, feel proud of Bhaskara?


Bhaskara was also a Kannadiga.

Question 4.

Who taught him Mathematics first?


His father taught him Mathematics first.

Question 5.

What is Bhaskara’s invention?


The time clock (Kalachakra) is Bhaskara’s invention.

IRA-1. Look at the pictures of great scientists given below. Identify them and mention at least one contribution of each of them in the field of science.

Scientist – Contribution:

1) Sir Isaac Newton – Laws of Motion, Law of universal gravitation, invented calculus

2) Marie Curie – Coined the term ‘radioactivity; discovered the elements polonium and radium

3) Homi J. Bhabha – Father of India’s Nuclear Programme

4) Vikram Sarabhai – Father of India’s Space Programme

5) J.C. Bose – Pioneer in microwave optics technology; invented crescograph, a device for measuring the growth of plants

6) James Watt – invented the steam engine; developed the concept of horsepower.

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

Textbook Questions and Answers:

C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1. Who were Raman’s parents?

Raman’s parents were Chandrashekara Iyer and Parvathi Ammal.

Question 2. Why was Raman not able to attend school regularly?

As Raman used to fall ill quite often, he was unable to attend school regularly.

Question 3. Where did he complete his Intermediate examination?

Raman completed his Intermediate examination from Hindu College, Vishakhapatnam.

Question 4. What subjects did his relatives advise him to take for B.A.?

His relatives advised him to take History and Economics as his special subjects for B.A.

Question 5. Why could not Raman go to the United Kingdom for higher studies?

Raman’s health broke down again, so he could not go to the U.K for higher studies.

C2. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1. How long did he work at Calcutta University?

He worked for fifteen years at Calcutta University.

Question 2. What made Raman give up the highly paid post of Deputy Accountant General?

His love for science made him give up that post and accept the post of a professor.

Question 3. How did the Soviet Union honour him?

The Soviet Union honoured him by awarding him the International Lenin Prize in 1957.

Read and Write:

C3 Read the following questions. Before writing the answers discuss your responses/ideas with others in the group.

Question 1. What makes you think that Raman, even as a boy, had a great interest in science?

As a schoolboy Raman had made a working model of a dynamo. He used to take science books from college students and read them. This shows how greatly Raman was interested in science.

Question 2. Why did Raman’s relatives ask Raman to take up Arts – subjects? How did Raman react to it?

Raman used to fall sick now and then. His relatives thought that his health did not permit him to study science. Hence, they advised him to take History and Economics as special subjects for B.A. But, Raman did not listen to their advice. He selected Physics for his B.A. and M.A. degrees.

Question 3. What was Raman s first disappointment in life?

The first disappointment for Raman was when wanted to go to the United Kingdom for higher studies but, he fell sick again and could not go. 

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 4. Why was Raman not happy with the post of Deputy Accountant General?

Raman was not happy with the Post of Deputy Accountant General because he was attached to science so much. He was fond of science from his childhood. He studied science up to his M.A. And he was waiting for an opportunity to become a scientist and still he had hoped.

Question 5. How can you say that Raman had not lost interest in science when he was the Deputy Accountant General?

Though he was working as the Deputy Accountant General, he always mixed with scientists and showed interest in scientific activities. He would go to the meetings of scientists. He would go and look at the modern scientific apparatus whenever he got a chance. Such was his love for science.


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.  

He was very much interested in science from his boyhood days.

a) Who is the ‘he’?

b) How do you prove that he was interested in science even in his boyhood days?

c) In what way did he show interest in science from his school days?


a) C.V. Raman.

b) Even as a boy, he had made the model of a dynamo. MCC-37

c) During his school days, he borrowed science books from college students and read them.

Question 2.

This was the greatest disappointment in his life.

a) Who is the ‘he’?

b) What was the disappointment?

c) What was the result?


a) C.V. Raman.

b) He was unable to go to the United Kingdom for higher studies as his health broke down again.

c) He had to give up his study of science and take a competitive examination.

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 3.

He felt like a fish out of water in his new post.

a) Who felt like a fish out of water?

b) What was the new post?

c) Why did he feel so?


a) C.V. Raman.

b) The post of Deputy Accountant General.

c) Because he wanted to take up higher studies in Physics and was not interested in the job of Deputy Accountant General.

Question 4.

“I have admitted you to the Institute because of your character”.

a) Who said this?

b) To who was it said?

c) Why was he given admission?


a) Sir C.V. Raman.

b) It was said to the candidate who had appeared for the entrance test but failed.

c) He was given admission because he was sincere and honest.

Question 5.

“You are not very good at Physics, but I can teach you”.

a) Who is the ‘you?

b) Who is the ‘I’?

c) Why did Raman offer to teach him?


a) The ‘you’ is the candidate who had failed to get admission at the Raman Research Institute.

b) C.V. Raman.

c) Though the candidate did not do well in the tests, Raman admitted him for his honesty and offered to teach him.


V1. Fill in the blanks with words opposite in meaning to the words underlined:

1. We should neither borrow nor ___

2. Why do you feel old? Feel ___

3. Don’t stand outside. Come ___

4. Are wealthy people really happy or?

5. Eat less but work ___

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8


1. lend

2. young

3. inside

4. sad

5. more

V2. The pronunciation of the following pairs of words are almost the same but they differ in meaning. Use each word in the pair in meaningful sentences.

1. break, brake

It is going to be difficult for any batsman to break Sachin Tendulkar’s record?

Apply the brake only when necessary.

2. knew, new

Ravi knew the answer to the question.

He bought a new umbrella.

3. sight, site

It was a beautiful sight.

Sundar has a site in Hubli.

4. some, sum

Raghu ate some rice.

Lata solved the sum.

5. plays, place.

The boys in the Ashram enact plays.

This place is good. Let us sit here for some time.

V3. Fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs or idioms choosing from the ones given in brackets.

[makeup, put up with, give up, put on, a fish out of the water, make out, break down]

1. We usually ___ cotton clothes during summer.

2. One day, a villager came to me and asked me to read a letter. I tried my best, but could not ___ what the person had written.

3. Great people/persons have an ocean of patience. They have learnt to __ difficulties.

4. Raju’s health used to __ now and then. 

So, he had to __ the highly paid post of Accountant in an office. At first, he felt like _.

5. People should __ their mind to fight corruption.


1. put on

2. make out

3. put up with

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

4. break down, give up, a fish out of water

5. makeup

V4. Make compound words with the words given in Columns ‘A’ and ‘B’ and use the same in meaningful sentences of your own.

g (boyhood)

d (timetable)

a (first class)

e (road map)

b (speed post)

c (classmate)

e.g.: Before you visit a country abroad, have a look at the road map.

boyhood: C. V. Raman showed a lot of interest in science in his boyhood.

timetable: The school work goes on according to the timetable.

first-class: Sudha passed her SSLC in first class.

speed post: I received a letter through speed post.

classmate: Lata and Seeta are classmates.

V5. Which words/phrases in the text mean more or less the same as the following? Paragraph numbers are given in brackets.

e.g. 1. boyhood [P1] early days 

2. uncomfortable [P3] ________ 

3. chance [P3] ________ 

4. happily [P5] ________ 

5. not remember [P6] ________ 

6. morning food [P6] ________ 

7. money permitted to be drawn for expenses [P7] ________ 

8. sympathy [P7] ________ 

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8


2. fish out of water

3. opportunity

4. gladly

5. forget

6. breakfast

7. allowance

8. pity.

V6. Give the negative forms of the underlined words using prefixes like in-, un-, dis-, im-.

1. an interesting story ________________

 2. a fortunate thing ________________

 3. a correct answer ________________ 

4. a pure heart _________________ 

5. a happy day _________________

 6. an honest person _________________ 


1. an uninteresting story

2. an unfortunate thing

3. an incorrect answer

4. an impure heart

5. an unhappy day

6. a dishonest person.

V7. Fill in the blanks with the noun forms of the underlined words:

e.g. 1. The teacher dictates notes. 

The teacher gave us dictation. 

2. Admit Suresh to VIII standard. Let Suresh get _______ to VIII standard.

 3. Literates should educate villagers. Literates should give _______ to villagers. 

4. Appoint him. Give him an________ 

5. Have you decided where to go? Have you taken the ________ where to go? 


2 – admission

3 – education

4 – appointment

5 – decision

V8 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given in brackets.

1. The speaker accepted the ________ [resign] of the legislator. 

2. We should not have too much _____ [attach] to anything. 

3. The ______ [discover] of the sea route to India was made by Vasco-da-Gama. 

4. The teacher admired the _______ [honest] of Manjula. 

5. Have a ______ [science] outlook. 

6. Please don’t cause _______ [inconvenient] to travellers. 

7. Make _______ [meaning] sentences.

 8. Why are you afraid of the __________ [examine]? 

9. Chemistry is an ________ [interest] subject

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8


1. resignation

2. attachment

3. discovery

4. honesty

5. scientific

6. inconvenience

7. meaningful

8. examination

9. interesting.

A. Listen And Speak – Vowels / e / And / as /

Task 2. Your teacher will say and write the following words. Identify the vowel sounds in them and write them in the appropriate column.

B. Spoken English:

Raj: You are Latif, aren’t you?

Latif: You have set up a shop, haven’t you?

Raj: Well, let’s have coffee, shall we?

Latif: After that, we can talk a lot, can’t we?

C. Reading:

Reading Maps:

Task. Look at the map of Sankar which shows the distribution of Tamilians living there.

1. Tamilians are over 50% in the northernmost part of Srilanka.  


2. In Batticaloa the Tamilians are less than 50%. 


3. The east coast of Sri Lanka has more Tamilians than its west coast.  


4. More than 50% of the people in Colombo are Tamilians. 


5. Only Sinhalese live in Jaffna.


6. The central part of Srilanka is dense with Tamilians.


7. Kandy does not have any sea coast.


Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

D. Grammar:

Simple Present Form:

Task 1. Use ‘walk’ or ‘walks’ in sentences beginning with the following subjects:


My father walks.

You walk.

John walks.

Children walk.

Your sister walks.

Twenty boys walk.

His brother walks.

Task 2. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the words in column ‘B’ Using the appropriate form of verbs, frame sentences. One example is given.

1. A ship sails on the water.

2. The doctor treats the patient.

3. A dog chases a cat.

4. Birds fly in the sky.

5. Vendors sell things on the street.

6. Children like sweets.

7. A carpenter makes tools from wood.

8. Water flows downwards.

9. Our school begins at 9-00 in the morning.

10. The goalkeeper stops the ball.

The present continuous or the present progressive form:

Task 3. Look at these pictures write what they are doing.

1. A mother is lighting the lamp.

2. A farmer is carrying a bundle.

3. A girl is eating fruit.

4. A student is reading a book.

5. A boy is running in the field.

Textbook Questions And Answers of SIR C.V. RAMAN Chapter 2 Karnataka Board Class 8

E. Writing:

Framing sentences:

Task 1. Frame appropriate phrases with the words from the table given below. Also, build a context/sentence using the phrase.


Phrase: Faith in science.

Sagar has faith in science.

He thinks science can make us progress in leaps and bounds.

Phrase: Interest in you.

Shalini has shown interest in you.

She may agree to meet you.

Phrase: Sympathy for the poor.

Our local leaders seem to have no sympathy for the poor.

They should have introduced welfare schemes for – the poor instead of wasting money on unnecessary


Phrase: Passion for dancing

Kiran has a passion for dancing.

He has agreed to perform on the college day.

Task 2. Rearrange the words into meaningful sentences.

1. I learn a little from every incident.

2. The bigger of the two was a sturdy youngster.

3. Their feet were muddy and they wore no shoes.

4. Mahatma Gandhiji adopted non-violence as his weapon.

5. That evening I thought deeply on the subject.

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