You are going to go through Extra Questions Answers of The Heavenly Parasol Class 8 English Chapter 1 Karnataka Board. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line by line analysis. Let us find Extra Questions Answers of The Heavenly Parasol Class 8 English Chapter 1 Karnataka Board.

Extra questions and answers
Question 1.
Why did the king run towards the wood?
The king heard a plaintive call telling “Even under Meghavahana’s rule, I have been slain’’. The king was disturbed in his mind and ran towards the wood.
Question 2.
Who was the barbarian with the sword in his hands?
The barbarian was the leader of a troop of barbarians that lived in the woods.
Question 3.
Why was that particular man caught to be sacrificed?
The man was wondering about, alone and friendless in the forest. Hence barbarians caught the man and he was for sacrifice .
Question 4.
Who held Meghavahana’s arm when he was about to strike himself with a word?
Varuna, the lord of seas held his arm when he was about to strike himself.
Question 5.
Why had Varuna come there?
Vanina had come to reclaim his parasol.
Question 6.
Who had carried away the parasol?
The powerful Bhauma, the father of Amritaprabha’s father had carried away the parasol.
Question 7.
Why was it a powerful parasol?
The parasol had powers to quell calamities in Varuna’s land.
Question 8.
What was the boon Meghavahana asked for?
Meghavahana asked for a boon that he needed help to cross the waters so that he may conquer the islands.