OUTPACE TEXTBOOK SOLUTIONS Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

You are going to go through Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3.

Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

IRA – Look at the map and the information (refer to the text). Then, answer the questions that follow. 

Question 1. What is the area of Jamaica?


The area of Jamaica is 10957 sq. km.

Question 2. Which are the major towns and cities in Jamaica?


The major towns and cities in Jamaica are Montero Bay, Spanish Town, St. Andre, Portmore.

Question 3. Name at least two political parties of Jamaica.


Two political parties of Jamaica are the Jamaica Labour Party and the People’s National Party.

Question 4. What is the population of Jamaica?


The population of Jamaica is 24,47,000.

Question 5. When was slavery abolished in Jamaica?


Slavery was abolished in 1838 in Jamaica.

Textbook Questions and Answers

C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question1. Why was the morning walk pleasant to Mr A.L. Hendricks?


The red and green-roofed bungalows, green lawns and gardens on either side of his walking lane makes him happy. The scenery is beautiful. So he felt it was pleasant.

Question 2. “The exercise is good for me”, says the narrator. What was that exercise?


The narrator walked from his home to the rail track lines every morning. He returned home every evening on foot. The exercise was good for his mind and body.

Question 3. What did the narrator notice one morning?

Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8


One morning the narrator noticed two boys playing in the garden of a cottage.

Question 4. How did the smaller boy behave while playing with the bigger boy?


The smaller white boy behaved like a master. He walked majestically up and down, commanding the black boy.

C2. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1. What sight surprised the narrator the next day?


The next day when the narrator observed the boys, to his surprise the black boy was commanding and the little white boy did everything.

Question 2. What were the two commands given by the black boy to the white boy?


The two commands given by the black boy to the white boy were

1. Get me a banana? and

2. Peel it for them

Question 3. Why was the white man surprised at the narrator’s outburst?


The white man was surprised at the narrator’s outburst because the narrator misinterprets the children’s play and with prejudice, he thought too extremely and suffered a lot within himself. All these are said in one stretch.

Question 4. Why do you think the narrator smiled in the end?


The narrator smiled at the end because the white man’s wife was brown and his two sons were the same as their parents, just a contrast of colour.

C3. Some statements are given below. Some are true and some are false. Write ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the box provided against each sentence accordingly.

Question 1. The bigger boy was black.


Question 2.

The black boy ordered the white boy to pick up that stick.


Question 3.

The white boy sat down on the lawn.


Question 4. 

The two boys have not dressed alike. 


Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 5.

The little boys were playing when the narrator passed by in the afternoon.


Question 6.

The next day, a man was playing with the boys. 


Question 7.

The game that the two boys played was the same game the author had played during his childhood. 


Question 8.

“I know what you are thinking”, said the man standing at the gate to the narrator. 


Question 9.

The father of the boys was white and the mother brown. 


Question 10.

92% of Jamaica is inhabited by blacks. 


C4. For each of the statements, four alternatives are given as the answers. Choose the best alternative.

Question 1. The two boys in the story are

a) good friends

b) brothers

c) neighbours

d) classmates.


b) Brothers.

Question 2. The commands that the white boy gave the black boy were-

a) five in number

b) four in number

c) three in number

d) two in number.


c) Three in number

Question 3. The black boy had a mat of coarse hair on his head. Coarse means

a) rough

b) beautiful

c) nice

d) long.


a) Rough.

Question 4. “Only we grown-ups are silly”. The question tag to this statement is

a) aren’t we?

b) isn’t it?

c) are we?

d) is it?


a) aren’t we?

Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 5. The white boy had hazel eyes, ‘hazel’ means

a) reddish-brown

b) pale brown

c) yellowish-brown

d) bluish brown.


a) Reddish-brown.

Read and Write:

C5 Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

Question 1. What similarities and differences can you make out between the two boys?


The narrator finds both similarities and differences between the two boys. Both were small, around four and five years of age, and were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants. Both had bare, muddy feet. But, there were marked differences too. The bigger boy was very dark and sturdy with coarse hair and coal-black eyes appearing to be a Jamaican. The smaller boy was also sturdy, but he was white with hazel eyes and light brown hair.

Question 2. (a) What two commands did the big boy give the small boy?


The big boy ordered the small boy to get him a banana. When the white boy brought him a banana, he asked him to feel it for him.

Question 2. (b) What three commands did the small boy give the big boy?


The smalt boy first ordered the big boy to pick up a stick, then to jump into the flowers and finally to get him some water.

Question 3. The author could find no answer to some questions. Which are those questions?


The author could not find an answer to these questions:

1. If the boy had sensed that he would be a servant of the white man in his own country.

2. If he could make a difference between himself and the white boy.

3. If the white boy was going to boss over the black boy.

Question 4. Why was the narrator surprised the next morning?


The next morning the narrator was surprised to see that the scene is completely changed. The Previous day the white boy was boss and commanding but now was walked obediently behind the black boy. Similarly, the black boy who was obediently following the commands was now commanding the white boy.

Question 5. How did the two boys behave while playing?


The two boys took the Boss and slave role alternatively. According to their role, they performed well. That is, in the Boss role they Commanded and in the Slave role they submitted themselves and did the commands obediently. Thus they behave like this while playing.

Question 6. What made the narrator think that the black boy could be the son of a servant or a classmate of the white boy?


The big boy obeyed the orders of the white boy without any complaint. This made the narrator think that he was the son of a house servant. But, when he saw that both the boys were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants, he presumed that they could be classmates.

Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 7. What were the two points that the narrator wanted to clarify to the white man?


The two points that the narrator wanted to clarify to the white man, are

1. One day or the other, the blacks will rule over the whites and

2. That’s only a game.

Question 8. The two boys, though brothers, differed in their colour. What might be the reason?


Their parents belonged to different races. Their father was a white man and his mother was dark.

Question 9. If you were the white man, how would you react to the narrator’s comment?


If I were the white man, I would have also behaved like the white man.


V1. Column ‘A’ has the names of countries. Choose the correct nationality from the list given below and write in Column ‘B’.

V2. Guess and write the meanings of the words underlined, in the table given below:

1. The stipulated period of twelve years was coming to a close.

2. How can I perform the fire sacrifice?

3. Pandavas wanted to quench their thirst. They went in search of water.

4. After seeing all brothers lying dead, Yudhisthira was drowned in sorrow.

5. Yaksha was pleased with the answers given by Yudhisthira.


V3. Read the following conversation and use the appropriate word from the ones given in brackets.

Patient : Doctor, the wound in my ______ pains me a lot [heel, heal]

 Doctor : Don’t worry, it will ______ up after treatment [heel, heal] 

You are diabetic and ________, so it may take one ______ [weak, week] 

Patient : Excuse me, a word with you doctor.

 I don’t know whether it is ____ to ask you this question. [fair, fare]

Doctor: Oh! Don’t worry. Tell me what it is. 

Patient: I have no money to pay the bus _____ [fair, fare] 

I’m sorry doctor. I forgot to tell you that. _____ week I ____ your prescription [last, lost]

 Doctor: OK. No problem. I’ll give you both.

Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8


1. Patient: Doctor, the wound in my heel pains me a lot.

2. Doctor: Don’t worry, it will heal up after treatment.

You are diabetic and weak, so it may take one s week.

3. Patient: Excuse me, a word with your doctor. I don’t know whether it is fair to ask you this question.

4. Doctor: Oh! Don’t worry. Tell me what it is.

5. Patient: I have no money to pay the bus fare.

I’m sorry doctor. I forgot to tell you that last week I lost your prescription.

6. Doctor: Ok. No problem. I’ll give you both.

V4. Fill in the blanks with words that have similar pronunciation as the words underlined.

1. Papanna and Somanna are good friends. The former is a _______ and the latter is a businessman. 

2. The thief wanted to steal. But the doors were locked. He broke open the lock with a ______ rod. 

3. “Come here,” said the teacher. But the student did not ____ 

4. “Mandanna, your answer is quite right. But, for a moment will you keep ______?” 

5. Rashmi gave birth to a male child in Bengaluru. Her husband who was in Mysuru came to Bengaluru by the ____ train.


1. farmer

2. steel

3. hear

4. quiet

5. mail.

V5. We can form opposites by adding prefixes to words.

Similarly, add prefixes to the underlined words to get their opposites. 

1. Sunitha is regular to the class, but Sushma is _______

 2. Rama Murthy’s answer is correct, but Narayan’s is _____ 

3. Sita’s way of expressing facts is proper, but Lakshmi’s is ___________

 4. All should respect the National Flag. No one should __________ it.

 5. The competition was very tough. It was Rahul’s fortune that he won, but it was Sanjay’s _______ that he lost.


1. irregular

2. incorrect

3. improper

4. disrespect

5. misfortune.

A. Listen and Speak:

Father, art, master, past, are, smart.

C. Reading:


Textbook Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

D. Grammar:

The Past Tense:

The Past Perfect:

1. had died

2. had already begun

3. had walked

4. had been

5. had not stopped yet.

E. Writing:


1 – c, 2 – e, 3 – d, 4 – a.

Task 2. Look at the following advertisement carefully and answer the questions below.


a) Mega Garments

b) A T. Shirt worth Rs. 200 free on a purchase worth Rs. 1000.

c) Shirts, trousers, jackets, and jeans.

d) With an attractive offer.

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