OUTPACE EXTRA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,Story Analysis Extra Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Extra Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

You are going to go through JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line-by-line analysis. Let us find JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8.

Extra Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Why did the game in the morning amaze the narrator?


‘I puzzled within myself says the narrator. What conclusion did he come to after this puzzling thought?


What conclusions did the narrator reach, looking at the two boys playing the game?


The game in the morning both amazed and upset the narrator. Although it seemed to be a simple game of master and servant, the narrator was surprised that the dark boy, despite being older and stronger, was playing the servant. This was despite their equal social status. This makes the narrator wonder whether the Jamaicans considered themselves inferior and accepted the superiority of the whites even as children.

Extra Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 2.

On the second day, the narrator smiled as he remembered something. What made him laugh again?


After the second day’s experience, the author is aware that the boys are only playing a game without any racial implications. He smiles as he remembers that he too, as a small boy, used to play such games. When he looks at the white man watching the game, he presumes that the white man too would be making the same mistake as that of the author, wondering whether the black race is superior to the white. This makes him laugh.

Question 3.

What, according to the author A.L. Hendricks, did the little boy sense in the game?


The author A.L. Hendricks watches the game of a black boy and a white boy and notices that the black boy is taking orders from the white boy. The author then wonders whether the black boy, even before growing up, has accepted the superiority of the whites and is prepared to follow their orders even when he is in his own country.

Question 4.

“Could he, at his age, divine a difference between himself and the white boy?” What are the differences that are referred to by the author?


The differences the black boy perhaps felt even as a child were the inferiority of the blacks when compared to the superiority of the whites and their acceptance of the domination of the whites over them in their own country.

Extra Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

Question 5.

will save him this puzzle’. What did the narrator think the man would puzzle all day? Was the narrator right?


The narrator thinks that the white man watching the two boys play would make the same mistake that he had made the previous day. On the second day, since the white boy was playing the role of a servant, the author thinks that the white man would puzzle over the possible superiority of the blacks over the whites. He is wrong in his assumption because the white man is the father of the two boys and knows fully well that the boys are only playing a game.

Question 6.

Why does the author say that the game the children played on the first morning puzzled him?


The game the children played on the first morning puzzled the narrator. He saw two boys – one dark and one white – playing the game of giving and taking orders. Their clothes indicated that they belonged to the same social order. Yet, surprisingly, the older of the two was playing the role of a servant. Since the older boy happened to be a Jamaican, the author wondered why he had accepted the inferior role even though he was older and physically stronger.

Extra Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8

The author was disheartened by the doubt that the dark boy would have accepted the role of a servant because of the feeling of being inferior, in the presence of the white. This feeling of inferiority might have made him accept orders from the white in his own country. This possible psychological domination of the whites over the blacks and the possibility of this power game influencing even small children both puzzled and upset the author.

Question 7.

With what thoughts did the author go to the white man?


The author went to the white man with the thought of setting his wrong ideas right. He knows that he was wrong in jumping to conclusions about the game of the little children. He doesn’t want another adult to make the same mistake. If he was worried over the black boy’s acceptance of his inferiority so young in life, the previous day, the author thinks, the white man would be worried over the white boy’s inferior role the next day. The author wants to clear this misconception because by now he knows that only adults are guilty of such thoughts and not children.


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1. I will save him this puzzle.

a) Who is the T?

b) Who is ‘him’?

c) What does the author want to tell the white man?


a) The author, A.L. Hendricks.

b) The white man.

c) The author wants to tell the white man that the two boys were only playing a game.

Question 2. “I smiled. My spirit laughed at me.”

a) Who smiled?

b) To whom do I refer?

c) Why is the author happy?

Extra Questions And Answers of JAMAICAN FRAGMENT Chapter 3 Karnataka Board Class 8


a) The author.

b) The author.

c) The author is happy because the whites and blacks were living together happily in Jamaica.

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