You are going to go through Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 Third Language English Poem THE FOX AND THE GRAPES Chapter 2. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 Third Language English Poem THE FOX AND THE GRAPES Chapter 2.

Important word meanings:
Fable: A short moral story.
Resist: Withstand.
Leap: Jump.
Shrug: Slightly shake the shoulder.
Dangle: Loosely suspended.
Theme of the poem:
The poem revolves around the moral- It says that we always want things beyond our reach. Until we realise the same and know how to net be upset with what we find difficult to get.
Text book solutions:
Where was the fox passing through?
Ans: The fox was passing through a fruit garden.
What did he see suddenly?
Ans: The fox suddenly spotted a bunch of grapes over the wall.
Did the fox try to get the grapes? How?
Ans: The fox tried to get the grapes. He made multiple attempts by jumping. The results were the same every time. He failed. He could not reach the grapes.
Was the fox successful in getting the grapes?
Ans: The fox was not successful in getting the grapes.
How did the fox feel at the end?
Ans: The fox gave up. He said to himself that he should just forget about the grapes since they must be sour. Also, he would get his food within an hour.
What is the moral of the poem?
Ans: The moral of the story is – “It says that we always want things beyond our reach. Until we realise the same and know how to net be upset with what we find difficult to get.”
Match the rhymes in column ‘A’ with column ‘B’.
A | B |
Fall | Wall |
Aim | Same |
Hour | Sour |
Peach | Reach |
Set | Get |
Eye | Dry |