You are going to go through Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 NO MEN ARE FOREIGN Chapter 3 Poem. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 NO MEN ARE FOREIGN Chapter 3 Poem.

Textbook Questions And Answers:
C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner:
Question 1. What does the poet remind us of in the first line of the poem?
In the first line of the poem, the poet reminds us that, no men are strange and no countries are foreign.
Question 2. What, according to the poet, are we doing when we hate others?
According to the poet, we will be dispossessing ourselves When we hate others. We should realize that we are involving ourselves in our destruction and downfall.
Question 3. What are the two bad effects of war? Read lines 16 to 19 and answer.
The bad effects of war are: It defiles our mother earth and pollutes our environment.
Textbook Questions And Answers of NO MEN ARE FOREIGN Chapter 3 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
Read And Write:
C2. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.
Question 1. How do you think we are all treated alike by nature?
All are equal on the Earth. Nature means sunlight, air, and water all are the same to all people. Nature would not discriminate.
Question 2. Read the third stanza carefully. What message does the poet want to convey to us?
On earth, life is common to all and all are equal. The strongest man gains his strength by the love of all and we should not hate our fellow beings. This is the message that the poet wants to convey to us.
Question 3. Do you agree with the poet that we should wage no war? How do you justify that?
Yes, I agree with the poet when he says that we should not wage war against each other. War is destructive. It destroys both sides. It defiles our mother earth. And it destroys the calm and serene environment. It results in bloodshed, ruin, and loss of life.
Question 4. Some are of the opinion that the poet might have written this poem after witnessing the bad effects of the Second World War. Mention some of the lines in the poem to support that opinion.
Some of the line to support that opinion as follows:
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence of air that is everywhere our own. Remember, no men are foreign and no countries strange.
Textbook Questions And Answers of NO MEN ARE FOREIGN Chapter 3 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
Question 5. Briefly describe how a war spoils everything.
War gives way for more hatred and more wars. Innocent people lose their lives and property. They also lose their near and dear ones and have to lead a sorrowful life. War leaves the soldiers injured and many soldiers not only lose their lives but also their limbs and other parts of the body.