You are going to go through the Summary of THE LITTLE BUSY BEE Chapter 2 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8. Understanding a story meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made every effort to ensure a thorough and proper summary of the story. Let us find the Summary of THE LITTLE BUSY BEE Chapter 2 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8.

The hardworking bee makes good use of time, ft does not. waste of time. It collects honey from flowers every day. The bee builds its hive very skillfully. It constructs each cell of the hive with wax. Then it works very hard to store the cells with honey.
The poet says he also wants to be busy like the busy bee in work of labour or of skill. An old proverb says, ‘An idle mind is a devil’s workshop’. The poet says Satan, the evil spirit, makes the idle hands play mischief. A man without any work will think of some mischief or an evil thing to do.
Summary of THE LITTLE BUSY BEE Chapter 2 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
The poet wishes to spend his early years profitably. He wants to involve himself in work or play or some good books. He likes to make each passing hour a useful one. So, in the end, he can give a good account of himself. He can confidently say that he had utilized the time fruitfully and had not wasted it in useless activities.
As the poem begins “How doth the little busy bee …” it shows it’s major plot revolves around the bee as a model of hard work. And pushing the readers to do similar hard work.
Line by line analysis
The bee is known for its work. Always it. works, so it is identified as a busy bee. It builds the hive very skillfully and stores sweet honey in it. The poet’s intention is, like the bee, we too must be busy and always do useful work. How does the little busy bee work? It makes | good use of time. It starts work when the sun rises i.e. in a shining hour. The worker bee starts j its work by collecting Honey from all the blooming flowers. All the bees collect nectar and carry it to the hive. The female worker bees are the only j bees that make nectar into honey. The bees build their cell very skillfully, spread j their wax neatly and work hard to store honey in the cell.
Summary of THE LITTLE BUSY BEE Chapter 2 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
The poet speaks about himself and wants us to be like a busy bee in our work. We should! not be tempted to be idle or sit around doing | nothing. Satan in the poem refers to the devil, or some evil being who injures the idle person. The poet wants to spend his boyhood day by reading good books, playing and doing some good and useful work. Every human being could be. busy like a bee and do useful work. Bees build their hives skillfully. We too should do the work with our efficient skills.
Background of the poem The bee is very hardworking and stays busy. Or builds it’s hive very skillfully and stores sweet honey. Like the bee, we must also stay busy and always be productive.
About the poem:
The poet wonders as to how the little honey bee is so busy, how it becomes more energetic, and works even harder as the day goes by. He also wonders how it can gather honey all day long moving from flower to flower. The poet tells us that the female honey bee skilfully builds the cells inside the honeycomb.
About The Poet:
Isaac Watts (1674-1748) was a famous English poet. He was born in Southampton, England. He was proficient in many languages. Also, he was a prolific and popular hymn writer. In this poem, the poet tells us how the bee works hard to collect honey and build its hive. We should learn from the bee and become hardworking and always do useful work.
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