You are going to go through the Summary of BEAUTY Chapter 1 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8. Understanding a story meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made every effort to ensure a thorough and proper summary of the story. Let us find the Summary of BEAUTY Chapter 1 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8.

The poet is trying to say in this poem that beauty is in everything. All the small things we do or the environment around us, everything has beauty in it. Everything has its own importance. All things are beautiful in their own unique way. Sunlight has its own beauty. Beauty can be seen in the growing corns, people who are working and dancing for getting a good harvest. Beauty is not only seen but can also be heard or felt.
For instance, when night falls, the wind blows slowly, the sound of rainfall, or when a singer sings. They all give pleasure to the mind and make it feel happy. Beauty is not just outside, it is within. Beautiful is the self. Our good deeds, happy thoughts please everyone are all beautiful. Our dreams are also beautiful as they give us reason to advance and work with zeal. Beauty is in your style of work, the way you take rest and sleep. Beauty is everywhere. It is in attitude, the way we look at things. Actually, everything is beautiful in its own unique manner, the need is to feel it.
Summary of BEAUTY Chapter 1 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
About the poet
Louise Abeita Chewiwi (E-Yeh-Shure or Blue Corn)(September 9, 1926 – July 21, 2014), was a Puebloan writer, poet, and educator, who was an enrolled member of Isleta Pueblo.
About the poem
In this poem, beauty has been defined. The poet says that beauty is there in everything. All the small things we do or the environment around us, everything has beauty in it.
The theme of the poem
One of the major themes is to admire the beauty around us.
The poet says that real beauty can be seen in the sunlight, trees, and birds, in corn-growing; people working or people dancing for the harvest. According to her beauty can be heard at night when the wind signs and when the rain falls and when a singer signs in earnest from the core of his heart.
The imagery of the poem
The poem “Beauty” has several imageries in it. While reading the poem, we can easily imagine the scenes described in the poem. The words such as sun, trees, birds, night, wind sighing, and rain falling are various images in the minds of the readers.
The first stanza creates an image of scenery with trees, birds, sun, and cornfield in the readers’ mind.
The second stanza can create images such as a beautiful, cool, and/or rainy night in the reader’s mind.
Structure of the poem
The poem has three stanzas, and each talks about the beautiful things that could be seen, heard, and felt through the heart, respectively.
The first stanza talks about the beautiful things that could be seen in the day time, such as the trees, birds, people working in the fields, or them dancing for the harvest.
Summary of BEAUTY Chapter 1 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
The second stanza talks about the wonderful things that could be heard through the night, such as the wind sighing, rain falling, or an earnest song by a singer. The third stanza talks about how beauty is inside us. Doing good deeds and having happy thoughts while working, dreaming, and resting will make us even more beautiful. Thus, the poem describes how beauty is present around and within us.
Line by line analysis
Beauty is seen
In the sunlight,
The trees, the birds,
Corn growing and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.
Corn: the chief cereal crop of wheat, oats, maize, barley etc.
Harvest: the time of the year when the crop is ready
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It is the attitude of a person. Beauty is everywhere. It is visible in the Sunlight, the trees, the birds, the growing crops, people who dance to show their happiness when their crops are ready.
Summary of BEAUTY Chapter 1 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
Beauty is heard
In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.
Earnest sincere and honest conviction
Sighing: the sound of a deep, loud breath or exhale taken in relief
Chanting: singing
Beauty is a thing to be felt. One can listen to it. Like one can hear its sound when night falls, when the wind blows and creates a sound when rain falls on the earth when a singer sings. One can even feel it the insincere and honest conviction of a person.
Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work, And even in your rest.
Deeds: acts
Repeat: to happen again and again
Summary of BEAUTY Chapter 1 Poem Karnataka Board Class 8
Beauty is not always external or visible. It is within and it can be abstract also. One’s views, good acts, one’s wishes which one even imagine in dreams. Beauty can be one way of work or even the style of taking rest. Thus, beauty is very vast. It can not be limit to one thing, rather it is there in everything. We only need eyes and a heart to see it.