You are going to go through the Summary OF JUSTICE Chapter 5 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem. Understanding a story meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made every effort to ensure a thorough and proper summary of the story. Let us find the Summary OF JUSTICE Chapter 5 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem.

About the poem:
This poem is mainly regarding justice. Justice is a great value of life. The poet has mentioned how worried he is due to the present condition of justice. Some people bribe her and ruin the sanctity. He has also mentioned how despite all the difficulties justice has managed to survive. Justice would be dead as soon as truth leaves her side.
Structure of the poem:
“Justice begotten in exchange is no justice,
For, exchange is trade,
A distressing gain through loss;
Justice is inherent right.
Though wrapped in black packs
In dark hall of race for survival
Like gold strains bound in mud
Till exploited;
She is cool like ice
And still like rock;
YOU ARE READING: Summary OF JUSTICE Chapter 5 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem
No easy road to charm her soul
While hardship makes her no more justice.
Why justice is shackled to greed and bribe?
Why justice is fished out from popular mood?
Lost in thick jungle of lightless night,
Like rat, caught in the sack of death,
Like deer, caught in lion’s lair,
She never reaches Self by herself.
Justice with no heart for truth,
Justice with no dash for right cause
Is justice dead indeed.”
There is no specific rhyming pattern in the poem.
Line by line analysis of the poem:
Stanza 1:
“Justice begotten in exchange is no justice,
For, exchange is trade,
A distressing gain through loss;
Justice is inherent right.”
When one earns justice in exchange of something, the true essence dies. It merely is a trade practice then. Justice has just become a commodity nowadays in most cases. According to the poet, justice is an inherent right. In forms the integral part of all the rights that an individual possesses. Justice is for the welfare of all people.
Stanza 2:
“Though wrapped in black packs
In dark hall of race for survival
Like gold strains bound in mud
Till exploited;”
Though justice has to be in a dark hall of race for survival, at the end it survives. That is due to its inherent strength. Justice has still survived like gold strains bound in mud.
YOU ARE READING: Summary OF JUSTICE Chapter 5 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem
Stanza 3:
“She is cool like ice
And still like rock;
No easy road to charm her soul
While hardship makes her no more justice.”
In today’s world, justice has become an item for sale. There have been so many immoral attacks on justice. But it stands still like a rock and cold as ice. There is no easy road for her. Nothing can attract her soul.
Stanza 4:
“Why justice is shackled to greed and bribe?
Why justice is fished out from popular mood?
Lost in thick jungle of lightless night,
Like rat, caught in the sack of death,”
Nowadays, justice is tied to greed and bribery. She leans towards the popular crowd. Justice is somewhere lost in the dark night. These people have kept her in a thick jungle that she can not escape. They have caught her like a rat stuck in the sack of death.
Stanza 5:
“Like deer, caught in lion’s lair,
She never reaches Self by herself.
Justice with no heart for truth,
Justice with no dash for right cause
Is justice dead indeed.”
They have caught her like an innocent deer in a lion’s resting zone. In today’s world, justice is nowhere near truth. Thus, due to the absence of truth and right cause, it is almost dead.
YOU ARE READING: Summary OF JUSTICE Chapter 5 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem
Figures of speech used in the poem:
Alliteration: This is a figure of speech where closely associated words or corresponding words begin with the same alphabet in a sentence.
“Justice begotten in exchange is no justice”
“Justice is inherent right.”
Simile: In this figure of speech, a comparison is made with the usage of any comparing words (like, as, than).
“She is cool like ice
And still like rock;”
“Though wrapped in black packs
In dark hall of race for survival
Like gold strains bound in mud
Till exploited;”
“Like rat, caught in the sack of death,”
Personification: Personification is a figure of speech in which animals, or other inanimate objects are credited with human feelings, emotions and abilities.
“She never reaches Self by herself.”