You are going to go through Extra questions and answers of A Lesson for Nakul Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose CHAPTER 5. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line-by-line analysis. Let us find Extra questions and answers of A Lesson for Nakul Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose CHAPTER 5.

Extra questions and answers
I. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1. “Thanks, Akash! Your’s a real gem!”
Question a.
From which lesson is this line taken?
A lesson for Nakul
Question b.
Who is the speaker here?
Question c.
Why are exclamatory marks used here?
Because Nakul was surprised when he played the role with enjoyment without any stop.
YOU ARE READING: Extra questions and answers of A Lesson for Nakul Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose CHAPTER 5
2. “I admire that plucky little fellow”.
Question a.
Who is the speaker here?
Mr. Verghese
Question b.
Whom did he admire?
Question c.
Why did he admire him?
Because Akash was cheerful despite his lame leg.
YOU ARE READING: Extra questions and answers of A Lesson for Nakul Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose CHAPTER 5
3. I’m sorry for leaving you in a huff yesterday”.
Question a.
Who is the speaker here?
Question b.
Who does ‘you’ refer to?
Question c.
Why did he leave him?
Because he had a tiff with Akash regarding the weather on the day of the picnic.
YOU ARE READING: Extra questions and answers of A Lesson for Nakul Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose CHAPTER 5
4. “I admire you despite your handicap”
Question a.
Who is the speaker?
Question b.
Who was he referring to?
Question c.
What was his handicap?
He had a lame leg.
YOU ARE READING: Extra questions and answers of A Lesson for Nakul Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose CHAPTER 5
5. “Though today is grim and grey, remember there’s tomorrow.
Question a.
Who is the speaker here?
Akash’s grandmother.
Question b.
To whom was it said?
To Akash
Question c.
Why was it said?
Answer: Because Akash’s grandmother wanted him to be always brave and glad even though he was a handicap. And not to repent about his disability.