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EXPANSION OF THOUGHT-Life indeed would be dull if there were no difficulties.EXPANSION OF THOUGHT-Life indeed would be dull if there were no difficulties.

Life indeed would be dull if there were no difficulties.   Life indeed would be dull if there wereno difficulties.               In the words of Shakespeare “sweet are the

Expansion of thought -The crown and glory of life is a characterExpansion of thought -The crown and glory of life is a character

  Expansion of thought The crown and glory of life is character                 “What is the best wealth do youpossess?”   Answerto this question will certainly vary from


MY THOUGHTS  3. LIMITATION!  Conscience and limitation are the two correlated ideas which have an affinity with each other. The word limitation varies depending on time, situation, society, economy, philosophy

My thoughts – ClaquesMy thoughts – Claques

My thoughts 2. Claques One day on all fours, I came across the term claques while I was reading an article on theater and audience. To me it was the discovery of


MY THOUGHTS 1. END! The very word  ‘end ‘ haunts me whenever I am engrossed in deep contemplation.I have read and discussed about the ends of various matters.The scientific thought


This is a careful  step to articulate my innate thoughts about various topics which may prove to be a fruitful  to a wide group of audience.OUTPACE  is to deliver unique