OUTPACE POEM ANALYSIS Analysis of The Temple and the Body (Vachana) by Basavanna Translator: A.K. Ramanujam Karnataka Board class 10 English poem chap-3

Analysis of The Temple and the Body (Vachana) by Basavanna Translator: A.K. Ramanujam Karnataka Board class 10 English poem chap-3

You are going to go through the analysis of The Temple and the Body (Vachana) by Basavanna Translator: A.K. Ramanujam Karnataka Board class 10 English poem chap-3  Understanding a poem meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made efforts to ensure a thorough and proper analysis. Let us find analysis of The Temple and the Body (Vachana) by Basavanna Translator: A.K. Ramanujam Karnataka Board class 10 English poem chap-3

About Basavanna

Basavanna was an Indian twelfth-century legislator, rationalist, writer, Lingayat holy person in the Shiva-focussed Bhakti development, and Hindu Shaivite social reformer. He was brought into the world in 1130 CE, Basavana Bagewadi, in Vijayapura locale, Karnataka, India.

Basavanna spread social mindfulness through his verse, prevalently known as Vachanaas. Basavanna dismissed sex or social segregation, strange notions, and so forth.

Basavanna’s insightful works fuse the Vachana Sahitya in the Kannada Language. He is otherwise called Bhaktibhandari, Basavanna, or Basaveswara.

A few works are ascribed to Basavanna, which are respected in the Lingayat people group. These join distinctive Vachana, for instance, the Crapped sthala-vachana, Kala-jnana-vachana, Mantra-copy, Ghatachakra-vachana, and Raja-yoga-vachana.

About A.K. Ramanujam

Attipate Krishnaswami Ramanujan was an Indian author and scholar of Indian composing who wrote in both English and Kannada. He was brought into the world on 16 Walk 1929, Mysore, Regal Territory of Mysore, English India.

Ramanujan was taught at Marimallappa’s Secondary School, Mysore, and at the Maharaja School of Mysore. In school, Ramanujan contemplated science in his first year. Yet his father persuaded him to change his major from science to English.

Afterwards, Ramanujan turned into an Individual of Deccan School, Pune in 1958–59. And then he turned into a Fulbright Researcher at Indiana College in 1959–62. He learnt English at the College of Mysore and got his PhD in Etymology from Indiana College.

Ramanujan filled in as a teacher of English at Quilon and Belgaum. He educated at other US colleges too, including Harvard College, College of Wisconsin, College of Michigan and so on he has delegated the William E.

And then Colvin Teacher in the Branches of South Asian Dialects and Developments, of Phonetics, and in the Board of trustees on Social Idea at the College of Chicago. That very year, he got a MacArthur Association.

A. K. Ramanujan passed on in Chicago on 13 July 1993 as an aftereffect of an unfavorable response to sedation during groundwork for the medical procedure.

The Temple and the Body (Vachana)

Title of The Temple and the Body (Vachana)

Yes, the title of the poem is quite apt.

As the craftsman Basavanna was poor, he offered his body to god Shiva. He offered his body without instinct anything for God. He fell kind of cash to develop a sanctuary for God. In this manner he committed his body as a hallowed place to God.

The human body is in contrast with the sanctuary as people say that God lives in the body of each individual. so the human body is the home of god…

The human body according to belief and knowledge is safe-haven but people say that God exists in every human. So every human has a heavenly being inside them.

Summary of The Temple and the Body (Vachana)

The writer wants to satisfy God by building a sanctuary for him yet is a helpless man, and henceforth can’t do as such. And he contemplates in pain whether he will have the option to satisfy God.

The writer chooses to regard his own body as a sanctuary, with his legs for columns, body for the place of worship, and the head for a dome of gold. He supports himself by saying that ‘things standing will fall’, implying that structures will be annihilated by wind, downpour, and daylight.

The writer is glad that ‘the moving ever will remain’, implying that he will have the option to convey the ‘sanctuary’ and his ‘God’ always with himself, thus it will never be annihilated. It will ‘stay’.

The theme of The Temple and the Body (Vachana)

Emergence of spirituality

In this poem, Basavanna discloses to us that a rich man can bear to construct excellent sanctuaries out of appreciation for divine beings, yet helpless man can’t.

Notwithstanding, with his commitment, i.e., with unadulterated contemplations, activities, and deeds, he can transform his body into a sanctuary.

Worship and divine

Here the poet wants to satisfy God by building sanctuaries for Him. He wants to do this like rich individuals. However, he doesn’t have the assets to do as such.

Thus, he devotes himself to the administration of God by regarding his legs as the mainstays of the sanctuary, his body the blessed place of worship, his head the vault or the brilliant arch of the sanctuary.

Since he isn’t with the permission to adore in the sanctuaries, he chooses to venerate the Ruler in his own – heart and respect His each’ wish. He announces that he will move (or comply) to the orders of the Master since that is how he can be nearest to the Ruler. ‘

Things standing will fall’ alludes to the sanctuaries which can be decimated by seismic tremors, floods, or the breeze, while the heart loaded up with commitment towards the master will remain godlike.

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