You are going to go through the Summary of IT NEVER COMES AGAIN Chapter 8 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem. Understanding a story meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made every effort to ensure a thorough and proper summary of the story. Let us find the Summary of IT NEVER COMES AGAIN Chapter 8 Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem.

About the poem:
This poem is about using time and youth in a productive manner. Both will pass by and we won’t even know. This is the message that the poet wants to send through the poem.
Structure of the poem:
“There are gains for all our losses,
There are balms for all our pain,
But when youth, the dream, departs,
It takes something from our hearts,
And it never comes again.
We are stronger, and are better,
Under manhood’s sterner reign;
Still we feel that something sweet
Followed youth, with flying feet,
And will never come again.
Something beautiful is vanished,
And we sigh for it in vain;
We behold it everywhere,
On the earth, and in the air,
But it never comes again”
There is a specific rhyming pattern. It is ABCCB DEFFE GHIIH.
Line by line analysis of the poem:
Stanza 1:
“There are gains for all our losses,
There are balms for all our pain,
But when youth, the dream, departs,
It takes something from our hearts,
And it never comes again.”
The poet is talking about youth. We gain a lot from it and lose when it leaves. According to the poet, when it leaves it takes away something from our heart. We can never get that back again.
Stanza 2:
“We are stronger, and are better,
Under manhood’s sterner reign;
Still we feel that something sweet
Followed youth, with flying feet,
And will never come again.”
In this stanza, the poet says that we are all stronger and better in our youth. Everything is sweet and dreamy. Youth is the sweetest phase in one’s life. It is like a dream. It leaves with flying feet.
Stanza 3:
“Something beautiful is vanished,
And we sigh for it in vain;
We behold it everywhere,
On the earth, and in the air,
But it never comes again.”
When youth leaves, we search for it everywhere on the earth and in air. We crave for it. But once gone, it never comes back. We then can realise; how beautiful it was.
Figures of speech used in the poem:
Alliteration: This is a figure of speech where closely associated words or corresponding words begin with the same alphabet in a sentence.
“Still we feel that something sweet”
Personification: Personification is a figure of speech in which animals, or other inanimate objects are credited with human feelings, emotions and abilities.
“It takes something from our hearts,
And it never comes again.”
Here ‘it’ refers to youth. The poet attributed feelings of a living thing to ‘youth’. ‘It’ is personified here.
Metaphor: In this figure of speech, a comparison is made without the usage of any comparing words.
“But when youth, the dream, departs…” Here a comparison has been made between ‘youth’ and ‘dream’.