You are going to go through NOBLENESS ENKINDLETH NOBLENESS Chapter 6 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line-by-line analysis. Let us find NOBLENESS ENKINDLETH NOBLENESS Chapter 6 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem.

Extra questions:
What does the poem emphasize on?
Ans: The poem emphasizes on kindness and generosity. According to the poet, these two factors can give us immense happiness in life.
““This tent is mine,” said Yussouf, “but no more
Than it is God’s…”– Who is “mine” here? Who was it referred to?
Ans: “Mine” refers to Yussouf in the context. It has been referred to Ibrahim.
Yussouf believes that everything belongs to
A) himself
B) God
C) strangers
D) enemies
Choose the correct option.
Ans: B) God.
YOU ARE READING: NOBLENESS ENKINDLETH NOBLENESS Chapter 6 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem
Yussouf and Ibrahim correspond to which characters in the Bible?
A) Syed and Ali
B) Ali and Muhammad
C) Jesus and Abraham
D) Joseph and Abraham
Choose the correct option.
Ans: D) Joseph and Abraham.
What is the name of the stranger?
A) Yussouf
B) Ibrahim
C) Bishop
D) Abraham
Choose the correct option.
Ans: B) Ibrahim.
You are going to go through NOBLENESS ENKINDLETH NOBLENESS Chapter 6 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line-by-line analysis. Let us find NOBLENESS ENKINDLETH NOBLENESS Chapter 6 Extra Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 9 English Poem.