1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (a) The poet asks for a sail the colour of which would be i) blueii) greyiii) black iv) white Answer:
Unit 1. 1.Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: a) The keeper of the Big Half Moon Lighthouse is i) Aunt Ester ii) Father iii) Claude iv) Dick
Unit 1 1.Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences : a)Gandhiji had been shot on his way to i) the Birla House ii) the author’s house iii) a
Comprehension exercises 1.Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences : a)The quarrel was between the mountain and the i) rabbit ii) rat iii) cat iv) squirrel Answer- iv
Unit 1 Comprehension exercise 1.Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences. a)with a shudder Swami realised that it was I) Friday II) Thursday III) Wednesday IV)Monday Answer-
Text Book Question: 1.Answer these questions: A. Which view would the writer witness in the garden at Jaldarshan early in the morning and at twilight? Ans: The writer