This post is about the summary of On Seeing A Tuft Of Snowdrops In A Storm written by William Wordsworth. In this post you will find out the complete summary of the poem in an easy to understand language. Moreover you will find some extra information about the poet as well as the poem in this post which you will certainly find helpful. Let us find the summary of On Seeing A Tuft Of Snowdrops In A Storm written by William Wordsworth.
When haughty expectations prostrate lie,
And grandeur crouches like a guilty thing,
Oft shall the lowly weak, till nature bring
Mature release, in fair society
Survive, and Fortune’s utmost anger try;
Like these frail snow-drops that together cling,
And nod their helmets smitten by the wing
Of many a furious whirlblast sweeping by.
Observe the faithful flowers! if small to great
May lead the thoughts, thus struggling used to stand
The Emathian phalanx, nobly obstinate;
And so the bright immortal Theban band,
Whom onset, fiercely urged at Jove’s command,
Might overwhelm, but could not separate!

William Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets of the 19th century, during the Romantic Era. He was an English Romantic poet, who had contributed a lot to forming the Romantic Era, during the 19th century. He was born on 7th April 1770 in the United Kingdom. He took his last breath on 23rd April 1850 in the UK.
The poem, ‘On Seeing a Tuft of Snowdrops in a Storm ‘, was written by William Wordsworth in 1820. It was been published in one of the famous books of Wordsworth – ‘The Rover Duddon’. Through this poem, the poet wants to reflect some positive gives towards the people who lose hope after being broken down by their expectations.
This poem was written by William Wordsworth in the year 1820. In this poem, the poet expresses his feelings about expectations and how people are being broken down by expecting others.
This poem is about those small flowers that are not torn apart by the harsh behaviour of Nature. They cling to one another and nod their heads with the flow of those rough winds.
This poem is all about expectations. Through this poem, the poet wants to convey that, people must not be expecting others as it always hurts. It seems that the speaker has been broken down many times, on his expectations and thus, he believes that people should not be expecting anything from others.
He felt that the expectations are being broken down always by others, or the promises are always meant to be broken. But, on the other side, the soft and weak-hearted people will continue waiting and let themselves be suffered in that harsh situation.
These people, rather than fighting against the ‘storm’, readily accept their fate and surrender themselves to ‘loss of hope’ in life. They surrender their lives to the “Fortune’s ultimate wrath”.
But the poet feels that despite all these frails and storms and unusual circumstances as all around, these fragile and soft-hearted persons (those who keep expectations upon others), they grasp upon each other and just nod their bodies and heads with the flow of those strong winds.
The poet, through his poem, also appreciates these little flowers and their unity. He feels that in spite of all these harsh winds and thunders lead by God upon them, their bonding is not broken. They still hold together and dance in the garden.