1. What
does the poet want to convince the readers through this poem?
does the poet want to convince the readers through this poem?
Dahl, the renowned American Poet Novelist, in his poem Television mocks at the ridiculous
habit of parents in letting their children spend their time in front of
Television.The the poet begins the
poem as a warning.No Parents should ever let their children watch the idiotic thing. They grew
addicted to it in no time. They
eventually lose interest in everything else other than television. The poet wants the parents to realize their folly of allowing their children to sit glued onto the t.v
set. Instead, he wished them to be more careful in rearing them up. The children, at a very
early age, get used to watching television incessantly and that leads them to an unavoidable
dangerous situation. Children lose much of their creative thinking. They swallow junk shows that lie
undigested. The pulp is received by them on a daily basis. They are at the verge of an
imagination wreck. Books and reading become secondary. Neither could they sustain interest in
pursuing anything written. The wild imagination of a child thus becomes a clay pool. Besides all
this, watching television has health hazards as well. So Roald Dahl, advises everyone not to
install this idiotic thing.
Dahl, the renowned American Poet Novelist, in his poem Television mocks at the ridiculous
habit of parents in letting their children spend their time in front of
Television.The the poet begins the
poem as a warning.No Parents should ever let their children watch the idiotic thing. They grew
addicted to it in no time. They
eventually lose interest in everything else other than television. The poet wants the parents to realize their folly of allowing their children to sit glued onto the t.v
set. Instead, he wished them to be more careful in rearing them up. The children, at a very
early age, get used to watching television incessantly and that leads them to an unavoidable
dangerous situation. Children lose much of their creative thinking. They swallow junk shows that lie
undigested. The pulp is received by them on a daily basis. They are at the verge of an
imagination wreck. Books and reading become secondary. Neither could they sustain interest in
pursuing anything written. The wild imagination of a child thus becomes a clay pool. Besides all
this, watching television has health hazards as well. So Roald Dahl, advises everyone not to
install this idiotic thing.
2.”In almost every house we
have been
have been
we have watched them gaping at
the screen
the screen
They loll and slop1 and lounge
And stare until their eyes pop
Explain the above lines.
The above lines are from the popular poem
Television by the renowned poet and novelist Roald Dahl. The poet seems very much concerned
about the young kids who were exposed to television at a very young age. He raises a
pointed finger on those parents who let their children watch television for hours so that they won’t
bother them any longer. Unaware of the danger behind such an unmindful action, these parents
lead a comfortable and seemingly peaceful life at home. They could do their works as the kids
would sit silently for hours. Through this poem,the poet mocks the parents and warns them as well. Kids are completely lost in the television and they walk and eat and do every other activity sitting glued onto the television. They would go on watching until their eyes pop out. Children prefer watching television as they have nothing to endeavor themselves. Everything is presented to them in visuals. Their brain eventually stops functioning. They feel no appetite for reading or deciphering. Their creative skills die within. They become good for nothing fellows who could not think for themselves. The poem is an eye-opener for the parents who think that they make their children happy by letting them watch television. They think it as one of their parental obligations. They who are busy with themselves find it difficult to give time to their kids find comfort in thinking that they keep their kids engaged and happy by television. They never realize that they are doing irreparable harm their beloved kids
Television by the renowned poet and novelist Roald Dahl. The poet seems very much concerned
about the young kids who were exposed to television at a very young age. He raises a
pointed finger on those parents who let their children watch television for hours so that they won’t
bother them any longer. Unaware of the danger behind such an unmindful action, these parents
lead a comfortable and seemingly peaceful life at home. They could do their works as the kids
would sit silently for hours. Through this poem,the poet mocks the parents and warns them as well. Kids are completely lost in the television and they walk and eat and do every other activity sitting glued onto the television. They would go on watching until their eyes pop out. Children prefer watching television as they have nothing to endeavor themselves. Everything is presented to them in visuals. Their brain eventually stops functioning. They feel no appetite for reading or deciphering. Their creative skills die within. They become good for nothing fellows who could not think for themselves. The poem is an eye-opener for the parents who think that they make their children happy by letting them watch television. They think it as one of their parental obligations. They who are busy with themselves find it difficult to give time to their kids find comfort in thinking that they keep their kids engaged and happy by television. They never realize that they are doing irreparable harm their beloved kids
3.”Last week in someone’s
place we saw a dozen eyeballs on the floor”Explain.
place we saw a dozen eyeballs on the floor”Explain.
The poet wants the readers to go deep into the
gravity of the situation. It is not a figment of his imagination. The poet says that the harms a
television may inject in a child are innumerable.At his tender age, he should be told stories to
ignite his imagination, he should be given books to read so that he could predict a possible
ending of his own. Sitting in front of the television chops up all such possibilities. He thinks
mashed up. He reacts seldom. He is more of a sick body than an active child. His childhood no
longer lingers in his mind when he grows up.He would not be able to b solve the puzzles of
real life. He would thus become a great failure in life as well. The poet wanted to make fun of the
situation and warn the parents that they are really spoiling their own kids’ lives. The figure of
speech used is hyperbole. It’s a kind of an exaggeration that states the seriousness of
the situation. A dozen eyeballs refer to a group of children sitting in front of the
television, unmindful of the world outside.
gravity of the situation. It is not a figment of his imagination. The poet says that the harms a
television may inject in a child are innumerable.At his tender age, he should be told stories to
ignite his imagination, he should be given books to read so that he could predict a possible
ending of his own. Sitting in front of the television chops up all such possibilities. He thinks
mashed up. He reacts seldom. He is more of a sick body than an active child. His childhood no
longer lingers in his mind when he grows up.He would not be able to b solve the puzzles of
real life. He would thus become a great failure in life as well. The poet wanted to make fun of the
situation and warn the parents that they are really spoiling their own kids’ lives. The figure of
speech used is hyperbole. It’s a kind of an exaggeration that states the seriousness of
the situation. A dozen eyeballs refer to a group of children sitting in front of the
television, unmindful of the world outside.
4. How are the parents being
benefited by the television?
benefited by the television?
The poet Roald Dahl, warns the parents about
the destruction they cause on their kids. The parents who let their children watch
television for hours on end, benefit from it too. They don’t have to get involved with their childish
antics. Neither are they worried about their neighbors complaints complaints of breaking window glasses or they
would not have to scold the kids for fighting and kicking eachother.No naughty kid would climb
on a window and wreck your nerves. Parents would get immense time for themselves. They
could peacefully engage in their works. None of them would be interrupted from the flow of
their world by the incessant queries of the kids. The parents are at ease while the kids are engaged. They are silent almost all the time.
the destruction they cause on their kids. The parents who let their children watch
television for hours on end, benefit from it too. They don’t have to get involved with their childish
antics. Neither are they worried about their neighbors complaints complaints of breaking window glasses or they
would not have to scold the kids for fighting and kicking eachother.No naughty kid would climb
on a window and wreck your nerves. Parents would get immense time for themselves. They
could peacefully engage in their works. None of them would be interrupted from the flow of
their world by the incessant queries of the kids. The
5. According to the poet what
exactly does television do to a younger kid?
exactly does television do to a younger kid?
The poet Roald Dahl, in his poem titled as
television talks on the ghastly threats a kid is exposed to if he is allowed to watch it for
long.The kids who watch television slowly become addictive
to it. They become senseless as they lose their reasoning power. Everything is presented to them as visuals in quick
succession. So they stop thinking for themselves. The inquisitive nature of a kid dies with
himself. Their brains rot because of zero use. The imagination that lives vividly in the mind of a
kid dies for good. It is junk in their
mind. It clogs their thoughts and clutters their mind. Minds, if not cleaned remain as a sick unit and cause psychological ailments. The children always
remain dull and blind. They see nothing outside.The children fail to understand the difference
in a fantasy and a fairyland. Their brain reduces itself to a mashed cheese. They
could no longer think. They only see. The power of discretion dies. The child gets
reduced to a live statue without any emotions and feelings. He is in a different
world of his own where the serial characters fight and destroy for no sane
television talks on the ghastly threats a kid is exposed to if he is allowed to watch it for
long.The kids who watch television slowly become addictive
to it. They become senseless as they lose their reasoning power. Everything is presented to them as visuals in quick
succession. So they stop thinking for themselves. The inquisitive nature of a kid dies with
himself. Their brains rot because of zero use. The imagination that lives vividly in the mind of a
kid dies for good. It is junk in their
mind. It clogs their thoughts and clutters their mind. Minds, if not cleaned remain as a sick unit and cause psychological ailments. The children always
remain dull and blind. They see nothing outside.The children fail to understand the difference
in a fantasy and a fairyland. Their brain reduces itself to a mashed cheese. They
could no longer think. They only see. The power of discretion dies. The child gets
reduced to a live statue without any emotions and feelings. He is in a different
world of his own where the serial characters fight and destroy for no sane
6. What could be the possible
reactions the poet anticipates from the parents?
reactions the poet anticipates from the parents?
The poet anticipates that the parents may
shout that they were right in allowing their kids in watching TV, since it gives them happiness. What
else should they give their beloved children to get them engaged.How will we keep the children amused if the weren’t
allowed television? They would ask the poet for more suggestions as to how to
make their kids most delighted. The parents would never admit their folly. The
parents would make faces reacting to this warning. They would finalize that they were right. The air
of knowing everything make them sound harsh.
shout that they were right in allowing their kids in watching TV, since it gives them happiness. What
else should they give their beloved children to get them engaged.How will we keep the children amused if the weren’t
allowed television? They would ask the poet for more suggestions as to how to
make their kids most delighted. The parents would never admit their folly. The
parents would make faces reacting to this warning. They would finalize that they were right. The air
of knowing everything make them sound harsh.
7. What answer does the poet have
in-store as a reply for them?
in-store as a reply for them?
The poet points out that before television was
invented people did live a contented life. They too had their leisure times. They gave birth to kids
as well. Their kids grew too. But how did they manage to spend their time or how did they
live at that time or how did their kids get entertained? There is a solid answer for all
these queries. They had books. They read and read and read. Books were everywhere. They ate and
drank reading books. They woke up with books and books were even beside their pillows while
they sleep. They never felt bored. They never lose their connection with books. More books waited for them to be read. They lost themselves in the labyrinth of mysteries and fairytales and
adventures. They lived with those characters. The younger ones grew with many spirits. They were
never fed up with reading and growing with such
invented people did live a contented life. They too had their leisure times. They gave birth to kids
as well. Their kids grew too. But how did they manage to spend their time or how did they
live at that time or how did their kids get entertained? There is a solid answer for all
these queries. They had books. They read and read and read. Books were everywhere. They ate and
drank reading books. They woke up with books and books were even beside their pillows while
they sleep. They never felt bored. They never lose their connection with books. More books waited for them to be read. They lost themselves in the labyrinth of mysteries and fairytales and
adventures. They lived with those characters. The younger ones grew with many spirits. They were
never fed up with reading and growing with such
tales. Books met their needs.
8. What request does the poet
make to the parents?
make to the parents?
The poet Roald Dahl, in his poem television
talks about the harmful effects of keeping television installed in houses. He says that
television is detrimental to the mental and physical growth of kids. He says that there was a time
when television was not in vogue and people lived a fruitful life. Kids were imaginative and
more creative. They could face life more easily. They have fought and won many battles and have been
to places exotic through books. All their needs were met by books and they had a healthy
attitude towards life as well. Hence the poet advises parents not to install the
television at all. If, installed undo the television as early as possible and instead of it keep bookshelves
everywhere with beautiful books. The kids would gradually turn to books one-day. Having Nothing
to do would make them turn the pages and once their reading is ignited no one can stop
them from reading. Maybe, for the time being, they may feel angry for breaking their comfort
zones. But when they grow up, definitely they will be truly thankful for the most valuable gift that
you have endowed upon them. They will love you more for what you did for them. They will
realize how foul and unclean and junk were the things that they have been watching on that idiotic
talks about the harmful effects of keeping television installed in houses. He says that
television is detrimental to the mental and physical growth of kids. He says that there was a time
when television was not in vogue and people lived a fruitful life. Kids were imaginative and
more creative. They could face life more easily. They have fought and won many battles and have been
to places exotic through books. All their needs were met by books and they had a healthy
attitude towards life as well. Hence the poet advises parents not to install the
television at all. If, installed undo the television as early as possible and instead of it keep bookshelves
everywhere with beautiful books. The kids would gradually turn to books one-day. Having Nothing
to do would make them turn the pages and once their reading is ignited no one can stop
them from reading. Maybe, for the time being, they may feel angry for breaking their comfort
zones. But when they grow up, definitely they will be truly thankful for the most valuable gift that
you have endowed upon them. They will love you more for what you did for them. They will
realize how foul and unclean and junk were the things that they have been watching on that idiotic
9.Explain”Great Scots and
It is an expression used by the poet to show
his annoyance at the parents who pretend that they did a wonderful thing in letting the kids
watch television.
his annoyance at the parents who pretend that they did a wonderful thing in letting the kids
watch television.
10. How would the children react
if the television is uninstalled?
if the television is uninstalled?
The children may grow tempered. They may shout
and yell at the parents for not letting them do something which they are used to do. They would
kick and bite you to show their extreme displeasure and uncomfortableness. They would
constantly fight and nag with parents for getting back their television. They would feel completely
deprived of all their rights and would go on resisting until their wish is granted. But
still, the poet tells that kids would soon turn to books having nothing else to do.
and yell at the parents for not letting them do something which they are used to do. They would
kick and bite you to show their extreme displeasure and uncomfortableness. They would
constantly fight and nag with parents for getting back their television. They would feel completely
deprived of all their rights and would go on resisting until their wish is granted. But
still, the poet tells that kids would soon turn to books having nothing else to do.
11. Figures Of Speech Used In The
Apart from a load of visual images, the poet
has used a number of poetic techniques to make his poem more alluring. They are
similes, alliteration, and hyperbole. Similes are comparisons that use as or like for example.
has used a number of poetic techniques to make his poem more alluring. They are
similes, alliteration, and hyperbole. Similes are comparisons that use as or like for example.
His brain becomes as soft as cheese.
“And pirates wearing purple pants” is
an example for alliteration. The consonant”p” recurs throughout the line.
an example for alliteration. The consonant”p” recurs throughout the line.
And in its place you can install..is an
example for assonance where a nearby vowel repeats.
example for assonance where a nearby vowel repeats.
example:“i”repeats in,”in”and”its”and
finally in”Install”
finally in”Install”
Synecdoche is a figure of speech used to refer
apart by the whole or vice versa
apart by the whole or vice versa
Pair of eyeballs for referring children.
Personification. The poet has attributed human
qualities to the television.
qualities to the television.
Ex..It kills imagination dead.Television is
supposed to be imagined as someone with hands
supposed to be imagined as someone with hands
and legs to perform
an action.
an action.