Answer the following questions
1. Why do you think the poet uses questions to begin his poem?
The poet uses questions to begin his poem to emphasize the theme he wants to convey to the readers and make it extraordinary. It’s not just a mere act of planting a tree. The poet makes one read in a different sense. He presents things as if they are unknown and very new. We are forced to think, by the poet in what he believes. Thus a simple act becomes too noble and subtle. This poetic technique is known as Hypophora.
2. Explain the line ‘He plants a friend of sun and sky.’
The poet Henry Cuyler Bunner, in his beautifully written poem, ”The heart of a Tree”, tells about planting trees and how they are inevitable to the harmonious existence of nature. The tree needs the sun and the sky for its life and in return nourishes them too. There is no perfect nature without the friendship of these three as they are most essential for any life forms.
3.”He plants the flag of breezes free”… What does the poet indicate by the flag of breezes?
The poet says that a man who plants a tree is not only planting a tree but he makes a free breeze possible for everyone. Because a tree once planted will grow in size covered with thick leaves which could generate winds and breeze. The poet indirectly wanted to say that trees give out life-sustaining air. And by doing this act, the man becomes eco-friendly, thus saving the human race from pollution as well.
4. “He plants a home to heaven anigh”. What’s implied in this expression?
The following expression is from the poem,” The heart of a Tree”, by the American poet Henry Cuyler Bunner. The poet says that the man who plants a tree also makes possible a shelter for thousands of birds which at the time of sunset croon beautiful songs to the young ones and the feeling is heavenly for the rest of the others. He thus becomes equal to God who is the creator of heaven.
5. What is the meaning of hushed and happy twilight?
The poet Henry Cuyler Bunner, talks about the divine act of planting a tree. He wished to see it in a different way. He says that planting a tree is next to nothing. He who plants a tree also plants thousands of invisible virtues as well. The joyful songs of birds when the mother bird comes back on a quiet evening is a blissful experience. It is similar to heaven. The word ‘hushed’ means a time most probably evening when all the sounds subside and in that quiet and serene eve, the mother bird sings songs which can be called as lullabies to it’s your ones. The word’ twilight ‘means the time when evening gives way tonight. A golden hue pervades everywhere. The twilight is imagined as happy here but the happiness spreads everywhere.
6. What is meant by the treble of heaven’s harmony?
The poem” The heart of the Tree” is about the benefits of planting a tree. The poet talks about the man who plants a tree and the changes he brings in. He makes tree the abode of happiness for many birds and the happy songs of the birds, sitting on the branches of the tree, emulates heaven. The joyful chirps of the birds replicate the sounds of joyful heaven.
7. How does one can plant cool shade and tender rain?
The poet says that those who plant a tree also plant shades and rain. The poet reminds us that the trees give us shade from the scorching heat and are responsible for the rains. So he becomes an inevitable agent in connecting all the other elements of nature.
8. He plants the glory of the plain.
The poet Henry Cuyler Bunner in his poem “The heart of the Tree“, speaks about the virtues the tree possess. They add the aesthetic glory of a plain with their leaves, flowers, and fruits, in spite of being the life nourishers. A plain surrounded by hilly rocks would seem dry like a desert if there are no trees at all
9. And plants the forest’s heritage…
What do you comprehend from the above expression?
The above expression is from the poem, “The Heart of the Tree.” The poet talks about the benefits the tree causes. One who plants a tree secures the future generations by providing them a pollution free world. A tree makes more of them and turns into a forest which can be a legacy for the coming generations. Thus, he keeps aside a valuable treasure.
10.Explain, “The joy that unborn eyes shall see “
The poet Henry Cuyler Bunner says that those who plant trees are part of the process of the cycle of nature. A tree would breed thousands other trees and the forthcoming generations which are yet to born will be overjoyed to accept such a legacy.
11. What does the poet hint by ‘ He plants, in sap and leaf and wood
In love of home and loyalty
And far-cast thought of civic good “?
The above lines are from the poem “The heart of the Tree”. The poet goes on talking about the nobility of the man who plants a tree. He does good for the common good. He becomes an example instilling in others the need to protect nature and live in a pollution free world. Such a man thinks not only for his immediate good but for the future as well. He is a true human.
“Who in the hollow of his hand
Holds all the growth of all our land.
How can one hold the growth of the land” Explain?
In the above lines, the poet speaks about the man who plants a tree could hold the growth of the land. He indirectly points out that trees are vital in the lives of people. All the growth of humankind depends on trees. Someone who plants a tree thinks much about the world and harmonious existence. Hence, he could foresee the growth of the land.
13. “A nation’s growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree”… What does the poet mean by this?
The above lines indicate the importance of planting trees in building nations. The resources tree could provide for the growth of a nation is undeniable. Hence someone who plants a tree thinks about the welfare of his nation too. He is discharging his civic duties as well.
14. Find out examples for personification from the poem ‘The heart of a Tree. ‘
Giving personal attributes to inanimate and non-living things are known as personifies. Normally abstract ideas are given such personal traits. For example, the poet personifies The tree in the line, ‘a friend of sun and sky’.
15. Find out the figure of speech implied in the line ‘hushed and happy twilight ‘
The figure of speech due in the line “hushed and happy twilight ” is known as a transferred epithet. It is a figure of speech where an adjective grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person think it is actually describing.
Here twilight is not supposed to be happy, but the people surrounding it are.
16. Find out an instance of a metaphor from the poem.
Metaphors are figures of speech that compare two distinctly different things indirectly.
The branches of the tree are compared to a flag in the Line, “He plants the flag of breezes free “
17. What is alliteration? Find out an instance for the same from the poem “The heart of a tree”
The repetition of consonant sounds, at the beginning of the words, is called as alliteration. It gives a rhythmic quality to the poem. Example… “He plants a home to heaven high”.The use of metaphors lend the poem it’s poetic enhancements. Lines tend to be more poetic.
Nice very helpful
Worst that much of long answer rascle
Really thoughtful. Good for revision…. Thanks man
It is very very helpful according to me ..but the figure of speech involved in hushed and happy twilight heard is alliteration according to Xavier Pinto book so what to do ??
Excellent answers
Compact answer's
please do not post these types of comments. I found the answers very helpful.