Extra Questions
1. Why did the people of the village hate the woman?
~ All
the people in the village hated the woman because she was an alcoholic person.
She used to beg to the other people for her living. The woman had been
despised, scoffed at, and angrily denounced by nearly every man, woman, and
child in the village. She died of an addiction to liquor, excessive drinking
2. After her death, why did her neighbour’s attitude change?
~ The
woman died leaving her three poor children. After her death, they were helpless
and in poor condition. The neighbours also felt pity and their attitude changed
for them as they had no food and clothes. They were alone, had no one to take
care of them. Death touches the spring of the common humanity.
3. What was the matter of concern as the woman died?
~ The
woman had three children, who were left helpless and poor after her death. The
matter of concern for the villagers was that, who will be taking care of those
poor ones. It would be cruel to leave them alone as they were young enough,
they could do nothing for themselves, to live.
4. Describe the three children of the woman.
~ The
woman had three poor children. The oldest one was named John. He was twelve
years old. He had the capability to earn for his living. The second was Kate, she
was a bright and clever one. The last one was Maggie, who was bedridden. She
was the youngest and the helpless one. Falling from the window, she got injured
in her spine and so she couldn’t leave her bed.
5. What happened to the children after her death?
Death of the woman left her three children poor and helpless. After the death
of the drunken woman, the villagers decided to take each of the three children
of the woman so that they can be raised properly. As they were young enough to
do something for their survival.
6. Who took John? Who took Katy?
Farmer Jones said that he would take John, who was the oldest one among the
three, and do well by him.
Ellis, who had been looking out for a bound girl, concluded that even though
Katy was too young to be of much use, she would be adopting her.
7. What happened to Maggie?
Maggie was the youngest of all, who was nearly paralyzed. Falling from the
window, she got injured in her spine and so she couldn’t leave her bed.
Everyone in the village denied adopting her as she was considered to be the
‘burden’. One of the villagers suggested sending her to the poorhouse.
8. Why was Maggie considered to be a precious burden?
~ Mr.
Joe Thompson felt like a burden to take the little girl home as he knew his
wife won’t be ok with it. He even couldn’t leave her alone as he has got a soft
heart, he couldn’t be so cruel to her. Besides Maggie was also precious for
Joe’s family as she brought love in their family. She was like an angel to
them, she changed their life and them too with her sweetness.
9. Why was Maggie bedridden? Which shelter was suggested for her?
Maggie the youngest child of the woman had fallen from a window and had injured
her spine which made her bedridden.
in the village denied adopting her as she was considered to be the ‘burden’.
One of the villagers suggested sending her to the poorhouse. They thought it
would be the best place for her, they would take care of her properly.
10. Discuss how Maggie felt when she was left alone.
~ The
youngest one Maggie was left alone due to her health. Falling from the window,
she got injured in her spine and so she was bedridden and was of no use for
anyone. The villagers left her alone in the old hut. She, catching her
suspended breath cried to Joe to not to leave her alone. She felt helpless and
was frightened, terror was reflected in her little face.
11. Discuss the line ‘It’s so cruel thing to leave her so’.
~ Joe
Thompson said this as he was having pity on her. He was sympathetic to see that
the villagers took the other two children and as Maggie was not stable physically,
no one was interested to take her. They were ready to leave her alone, with a
decision to send her to the poorhouse.
12. What assurance did Joe Thompson give to Maggie?
~ When
Maggie pitifully begged Thompson not to leave her alone, he assured her that
she won’t be left alone. When everyone was ready to leave her alone, he wrapped
her in his arm, he lifted her gently and took her with him towards his home.
13.Character sketch of Joe Thompson.
~ Mr.
Thompson was a kindhearted man, who took the poor, helpless girl to his home
when everyone was ready to leave her alone. He is presented as a strong man but
has a soft heart. His discussion brings a twist, a change. He had no children
and so he loved that poor girl, like his own daughter. He was ready to face his
wife’s harsh reaction.
14. How did Mrs Thompson react when she saw Maggie?
~ Mrs.
Thompson is presented as an ill-tempered woman. When she saw her husband
bringing the poor girl in their home, she got mad at him. She showed anger and
astonishment to Mr. Thompson. She asked him the reason behind bringing her
home. She also asked him to leave her to the poorhouse as soon as possible.
15. What reason did Joe give to his wife for bringing the child
~ Joe
told his wife how the other villagers were ready to leave this poor girl alone
but he couldn’t act so cruel. He had brought Maggie home because she could not
walk to the poorhouse. He assured her that he would leave her there the next
day speaking to the guardians of the poor house.
16. Discuss the miserable condition of the woman and her children.
~ The
woman was a poor person, though not necessarily a beggar or a charity case because she was an alcoholic person. She used to beg to the other people for
her living. She had three children’s, who were young enough to work for their
food or survival. Their condition was pathetic. She died due to addiction to
liquor, leaving her children alone and helpless.
17. Why did he plead to keep Maggie for a day?
Joe said, his wife that he had just brought Maggie for a single night, he
promised to send her to the poor house the very next day. He also said to her,
how she was left alone. All the villagers hurried up after the funeral, they
left her alone in the old hut, in the hot sun.
18. What did Joe see from the window?
While returning to home, Joe saw a light shining from the window. He considered
it to be a good sign. He saw Maggie lying a little raised on the bed and his
wife was sitting having her back to the window. They were having conversations
without hatred, negativity. He was happy to see that they were developing a
19. What did Joe experience from Maggie’s facial expression?
~ Joe
got positive vibes from the facial expression of the little one. He was
relieved and happy to see the positivity, his wife’s hatred was decreasing. He
saw the small sweet face filled with childishness. He had pity and love for the
little one.
20. What did Maggie tell Joe?
~ When
asked, Maggie said Joe how she used to fall sick very often, the doctor used to
come but always late. She said she had a pain when he had lifted her but now
she is comfortable. She is having no pain now, she got adjusted in the soft
21. Why did Joe did not see the Guardians of the poor on that day?
~ Joe
did not see the Guardians for Maggie on that day nor on the day following. In
fact, he never saw them at all on Maggie’s account because Mrs Thompson had
changed, she started loving Maggie. Later they decided to adopt her as their
own child as they had none.
22. Who was an angel for Maggie?
~ Joe
came into her life like an angel. He took her to his home, loved her, took care
of her when everyone was ready to leave her alone in the old hut. He brought
happiness in the sad and miserable life of the poor and bed-ridden child
23. What kind of person was Mrs Thompson before? What changed her?
~ Mrs.
Thompson was a very ill-tempered and rude person before Maggie came into her
life. She doesn’t like children as she did not have her own.
little bedridden girl came to be the angel of their family. Her sweetness
changed Mrs. Thompson, her hatred and negativity were changing to love and care
for the little one. She later changed her decision and planned to adopt Maggie.
24. What changes did Joe notice in his wife?
noticed that his wife’s attitude towards Maggie had softened and she was taking
care of Maggie. Before she hated her, she didn’t want to keep her in her house
but later she changed her decision and decided to adopt her. The little one
changed her and was successful to make a place in her heart. There was a
drastic change in the nature of Mrs Thompson.
25. Discuss the role of the child in Joe’s Family.
Maggie the little one turned to be the angel for Joe’s family. Before her
arrival, they had a different nature. Mrs Thompson was ill-tempered, she hated
children as she had none. Maggie brought happiness and love in their life.
There was a drastic change in the nature of Mrs Thompson, she started loving
her, caring for her. Later she decided to adopt her.
26.Discuss how we can say that love can redeem over any other thing
in this world.
~ In
the story Mrs Thompson was portrayed as a hard or stone-hearted, ill-tempered
woman, who was mad at her husband as he had brought the little bedridden girl
or the sick brat in their home. But later her hatred was redeemed by the love
of that little girl. She started loving her, caring for her. The love of the
angel redeems her.