OUTPACE POEM ANALYSIS Extra Questions and Answers of A Horse and Two Goats by R K Narayan

Extra Questions and Answers of A Horse and Two Goats by R K Narayan

Here is a Extra Questions and Answers of A Horse and Two Goats by R K Narayan. This would provide learners with a proper detail of the poem to comprehend it properly.

Extra Questions and Answers of A Horse and Two Goats by R K Narayan
Extra Questions and Answers of A Horse and Two Goats by R K Narayan

1. In what year was “A Horse and Two Goats” first published?

Ans: The story was first published in 1960 in the Indian newspaper The Hindu.

2. How many times was “A Horse and Two Goats” published before it was included in Under the Banyan Tree?

Ans: The story appeared twice before it was included in Under the Banyan Tree.

3. In what language does the name Kritam mean “crown” or “coronet”?

Ans: Kritam means “crown” or “coronet” in the Indian language of Tamil.

4. How many houses are there in the village of Kritam?

Ans: There are only thirty houses in the village of Kritam

5. What is the only sophisticated residence in the village of Kritam?

Ans: The Big House, a brick and cement building is the only sophisticated residence in the village of Kritam.

6. Who is the main character in the story?

Ans: Muni is the main character in the story.

7. What is Muni’s occupation?

Ans: Muni is an old goat herder.

8. What does Muni do every day?

Ans: Muni herds his flock of forty goats and sheep to the highway on the outskirts of the village and lets them graze as he sits and watches them.

9. Where does Muni live?

Ans: Muni lives with his wife in one of the huts in the village of Kritam.

10. How does Muni rank in terms of wealth in comparison to other residents of the village?

Ans: Muni is the poorest resident of the village.

11. What does Muni want to make for himself and his wife?

Ans: Muni wants to make a special meal, specifically a sauce made from “drumsticks,” or seed pods, for himself and his wife.

12. What is Muni’s wife’s condition to make the sauce?

Ans: Muni’s wife agrees to make the sauce if he can get all of the necessary ingredients from the village shop: dhal, chili, curry leaves, mustard, coriander, gingelly oil, and a potato.

13. What is Muni’s usual daily meal?

Ans: Muni’s usual daily meals usually consist of only millet and an onion at lunch.

14. How does Muni try to convince the shop owner to give him the items on credit?

Ans: Muni tries to convince the shop owner to give him the items on credit by engaging in conversation and laughing at his jokes.

15. What does the shop owner tell Muni about his past debts?

Ans: The shop owner shows Muni a ledger of past debts he owes and says he must pay them off before he can apply for credit.

16.How does Muni try to convince the shop owner to give him the items on credit?

Ans: Muni tells the shop owner that his daughter will give him some money for his fiftieth birthday.

17. Does the shop owner believe Muni’s story about his daughter?

Ans: The shop owner does not believe Muni’s story about his daughter and says that he looks at least seventy.

18. How does the paragraph describe Muni and his wife’s life?

Ans: The paragraph shows the poverty and struggle of Muni and his wife, and their effort to improve their life.

19.What does Muni tell his wife to do after he returns home?

Ans-Muni tells his wife to sell the drumsticks.

20.What does Muni do with his flock of goats after returning home?

Ans-Muni takes his flock of goats to the highway to graze as usual.

YOU ARE READING-Extra Questions and Answers of A Horse and Two Goats

21. What is the clay statue Muni sits by depicting?

Ans-The clay statue depicts a majestic horse and warrior.

22. What did Muni’s grandfather tell him about the horse in the statue?

Ans-Muni’s grandfather told him that the horse in the statue is a reference to the mythical horse Kalki.

23. According to Tamil legend, what will happen to the horse in the statue?

Ans-According to Tamil legend, the horse in the statue will come to life when the world ends and trample all bad men.

24. What does Muni see while sitting by the statue?

Ans-Muni sees a yellow station wagon coming towards him down the highway.

25. What happens to the car driven by the white foreigner?

Answer-The car runs out of gas and comes to a stop on the road in front of the statue.

26.What language does the white foreigner speak?

Answer-The white foreigner speaks English.

27.What is the occupation of the white foreigner?

Answer-The white foreigner is a coffee trader from New York.

28.What does the white foreigner want to do with the statue?

Answer-The white foreigner wants to buy the statue.

29.What does Muni mistake the white foreigner for?

Answer-Muni mistakes the white foreigner for a police officer.

30.What does Muni think the white foreigner has come to investigate?

Answer-Muni thinks the white foreigner has come to investigate a dead body that was found on the border between Kritam and a neighboring village a few weeks before.

31.What does Muni tell the white foreigner about the incident?

Answer-Muni tells the white foreigner he does not know anything about the incident and that the murderer probably lives in the other village.

32: Why did the foreigner and his wife decide to travel to India on vacation?

A: The foreigner and his wife decided to travel to India on vacation after a power failure in the Empire State Building forced him to work four hours without air conditioning on a hot summer day.

33: What does Muni realize about the foreigner’s interest?

A: Muni eventually realizes that the foreigner is interested in buying the statue he owns.

34: What does Muni tell the foreigner about the statue?

A: Muni starts explaining the statue’s history and the legend of Kalki to the foreigner.

35: What does Muni ask the foreigner about?

A: Muni asks the foreigner about his family while the latter tries to negotiate a price for the statue.

36: What does the foreigner give Muni before leaving?

A: The foreigner gives Muni a hundred-rupee note and asks him to help move the statue to his car.

37: What does Muni think the foreigner is asking him for?

A: Muni at first believes that the foreigner is asking him for change.

38: What does Muni mistakenly believe when the foreigner stoops down to pet some of his goats?

A: Muni mistakenly believes that the man is giving him a hundred rupees to buy his flock.

39: What does Muni do after accepting the money?

A: Muni leaves the goats behind for the foreigner after accepting the money.

40: What is the main theme highlighted in this paragraph?

A: The main theme highlighted in this paragraph is the cultural and language barrier between the two characters and how their different perspectives lead to a misunderstanding that results in Muni selling his beloved goats.

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