You will go through Textbook Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 7 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Chapter 11 written by William Shakespeare. Understanding a text’s entirety is very important for a learner to score better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 7 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Chapter 11 was written by William Shakespeare.

A. Answer the questions:
1. Name the six people who met to discuss the play. What professions did they belong to?
Ans: The six people who met to discuss the play were- Peter Quince (the carpenter), Tom Snout (the tinker), Snug (the joiner), Francis Flute (the bellows mender), Nick Bottom (the weaver), and Robin Starveling (the tailor).
2. For what occasion were they planning to put up the play? What was it called?
Ans: They were planning to put up the play as a part of the wedding of the Duke of Athens and Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons.
The play would be based on the story of Pyramus and Thisbe.
3. Why didn’t Flute want to play the role of Thisbe? What solution did Quince give to his problem?
Ans: Flute did not want to play the role of a woman, since he was sure that he had a beard coming soon. That is why, he did not want to play the role of Thisbe.
Quince came up with a solution to Flute’s problem. He said that Flute would play the role in a mask, and he also did not have to speak a lot.
4. What role did Bottom want to play?
Ans: Bottom was originally given the role of Pyramus. But he was up for other roles like that of Thisbe, and the lion.
5. Mention two mistakes Bottom made in his choice of words while speaking. Why do you think he made these mistakes?
Ans: Bottom is shown to be an overly confident character in the play. He also tends to test Quince’s patience while he is dividing the roles.
The first instance can be when he stepped in and wanted to play the role of Thisbe, even when Quince was trying to convince Flute to do the same.
Secondly, he wanted to do the part of the lion too, which was originally given to Snug.
Bottom also wanted to quote few lines from a book based on Hercules, but even there he got mixed up.
6. How did Quince finally convince Bottom to play the role of Pyramus?
Ans: Quince said that Pyramus has a sweet face and is a lovely gentleman. He also compared Pyramus to a summer’s day. Quince mentioned that nobody but Bottom can play this part, because of the following attributes of the character.
7. When and where did the actors decide to meet for rehearsals? What was the reason for their choice of place?
Ans: The actors decided to meet at night in the woods which would be a mile away from the town.
They chose this venue as it was more discreet as compared to meeting in the city. In the city, the planning about the play would be disclosed and people would know all about it.
B. Answer the questions with reference to context:
1. That will ask some tears in the true performing of it: if I do it, let the audience look to their eyes…
a. Who said these words and to whom? Which role was being spoken about?
b. How has the person spoken to described the role?
c. What else did the speaker say that he would do? What kind of role did he think he was best suited for?
d. Why do you think the audience would have to ‘look to their eyes’?
Ans: a. Nick Bottom said these words to Peter Quince. The speaker was talking about the role of Pyramus.
b. Quince described Pyramus as a lover who kills himself for love.
c. The speaker wanted to do the roles of Thisbe and the lion too. Basically, Bottom wanted to play all the roles. He thought he could do all the roles, as he could inspire the audience more than the others. He most wanted to do the role of Hercules, but the charcter was not even in the play.
d. According to Bottom, the audience would be so touched and would be in tears after his performance as Pyramus.
2. … I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove, I will roar you as ‘twere any nightingale.’
a. Who said these lines? In response to what remark did he say these lines?
b. In what way is the idea of roaring like a dove and a nightingale humorous? Identify the figure of speech here.
c. Who had actually been given the role of the lion? What was the actor’s request when he was given the role? Was the request kept?
Ans: a. Nick Bottom is the speaker of these lines.
He wanted to play the role of the lion. To this statement, Quince said that his roar would scare the Duchess and the other ladies. As a result, all of them would be hanged. In response to this remark, Bottom said these lines.
b. The idea of roaring like a dove and nightingale is humorous, because they are quite contradicting to each other. Both the birds are known to have sweet voices, unlike the whole concept of ‘roaring’. Hence, it was humorous when Bottom said that he would tone down his roaring to that of a nightingale or a dove, so that the ladies do not get scared.
The figure of speech is Oxymoron.
c. Snug was given the role of the lion.
He requested to read his part as early as possible as he was a slow learner.
Quine told him that he did not need any preparation, because all he had to do was roar.
3. Some of your French crowns have no hair at all, and then you will play barefaced.
a. Who said these words and to whom?
b. What was he talking about here? What words was he responding to?
c. Identify the figure of speech in the use of the word ‘crown’ and explain it in your own words.
Ans: a. Quince said these words to Bottom.
b. Bottom wanted to know what beard he will have in the play. Quince responded to this issue by saying the above statement. He wanted to tell Bottom that he needs to act without a beard by mentioning that many French men do not have hair at all.
c. The figure of speech used here is pun. The term ‘crown’ means both head and coin. Bottom said that he would use a yellow beard which looks like a French coin. As a response, Quince interpreted the meaning of crown as head. He said that many French men do not have hair. So, Bottom can perform without a beard.
1. What kind of a person do you think Bottom is? Do you feel he is a good actor?
Ans: Bottom has been described as am outgoing and extrovert person. He is also very confident about his acting skills. Bottom constantly draws attention towards the impact of his role on the audience.
He is a good actor, because he got the role of one of the leads that is Pyramus. He also seemed to be quite confident in playing the roles of Thisbe and the lion. That shows his versatility as an actor.
2. Were the actors an organised group? Who created the most confusion? How?
Ans: Most actors were organized and did not have troubles with their roles. Bottom created the most confusion. He was willing to do all the parts that others were assigned. He was interrupting Quince every time he was speaking.
3. How did Quince deal with Bottom when he was constantly trying to have his way? Was Quince a good planner and manager?
Ans: Quince dealt with Bottom in a very effective way. He wanted Bottom to play the role of Pyramus. But Bottom was eager to play all the roles because he though he could play the roles more effectively than others.
Quince was a good planner and manager. He tried his best to accommodate everybody in the play with proper roles.
4. Did you find the scene funny? Note down the sections which made you laugh and explain why?
Ans: The scene had some funny parts. The author has used puns very effectively in the scene.
The first instance was when Bottom was asking Quince as to what beard would suit him in the play. The author used the term ‘crown’ in the conversation. The term ‘crown’ means both head and coin. Bottom said that he would use a yellow beard which looks like a French coin. As a response, Quince interpreted the meaning of crown as head. He said that many French men do not have hair. So, Bottom can perform without a beard. Here, a very effective usage of pun can be seen.
The next humorous section would be when Snug asked for the script well in advance because he was a slow learner. The funny part was that he was playing the part of a lion, and all he had to do was roar.
It was humorous when Bottom responded that he would ‘roar’ like a dove or nightingale, when Quince told him that his roar would scare away the Dutchess and the other ladies.
A. Complete the table:
Word | Modern meaning | Meaning in the play |
Humour | Comedy | Temperament |
Discretion | Preference | Intelligence |
Small | Tiny | Less |
Discharge | Release | Playing the part |
Con | Dupe | Learning something attentively and by heart |
Bill | Invoice | List |
B. Underline the malapropisms and write the correct words:
He had to use a fire distinguisher. – Extinguisher.
Punctuation means not to be late. – Punctuality.
Chlorophyll is a green figment found in leaves and plants. – Pigment.
The word ‘can’t’ is a contraption of the words ‘can’ and ‘not’. – Contraction.
There was a seed change in his behaviour after he came back from the vacation. – Slight.
Is there a perpendicular way of writing this answer, or can I write it as I like? – Particular.
She was wearing a beautiful diamond pendulum on a golden necklace around her neck. – Pendant.
Please precede towards your classrooms in an orderly manner. – Proceed.
A.Change the sentences from direct to indirect speech:
1. Isha said, ‘I will not leave until you tell me why you are upset.’
Isha said that she will not leave until I tell her why I was upset.
2. ‘My brother is home for his summer vacations!’ Sia said.
Sia exclaimed that her brother is home for his summer vacations.
3. Vihaan said, ‘Aman, are you well enough to attend the annual day function tomorrow?’
Vihaan asked Aman if he was well enough to attend the annual day function the next day.
4. ‘School is closed until further notice due to a flu outbreak,’ the principal said during assembly.
The principal declared that the school is closed until further notice due to a flu outbreak.
5. Rumi said, ‘I have been doing yoga every day since last summer.’
Rumi said that she had been doing yoga every day since last summer.
6. ‘Who left the door of the house open?’ Anil cried.
Anil asked who left the door of the house open.
7. Mira said, ‘Could you please help me find my school badge, mother?’
Mira asked her mother if she could help her find her school badge.
8. He said, ‘These tools are important for fixing the leak in the sink.’
He said that those tools are important for fixing the leak in the sink.
B. Change the sentences from indirect to direct speech:
1. Kavita said that she had been practicing with the band for a week.
Kavita said, ‘I have been practicing with the band for a week.’
2. The general ordered his soldiers to take their places and march forward.
‘Take your places and march forward.’ said the general.
3. Sara asked me if I could lend her my mathematics notebook that day.
Sara said to me, ‘Can you lend me your mathematics notebook today?’
4. The bus conductor urged that boy to give up his seat for the old lady.
The bus conductor said to the boy, ‘Give up your seat for the old lady.’
5. Tia exclaimed that it had been a very hot day.
Tia said, ‘It has been a very hot day!’
6. Madhura apologised and said that she did not realise that he was in the room.
‘I am sorry’, Madhura said, ‘But I did not realise that he was in the room.’
7. Tony exclaimed sadly and said that he wished that he had met Saraf earlier.
Tony said, ‘I wish I had met Saraf earlier.’
8. Priya requested her class teacher to grant her leave to attend the tournament.
Priya said to the teacher, ‘Can you please grant me leave to attend the tournament?’
Write the meanings of these expressions:
Fair play: Equal treatment.
Good riddance: Sense of relief when someone unwanted leaves.
Heart of gold: Kind nature.
Laughing stock: An individual subjected to mockery.
Break the ice: Relieve tension in a conversation and to keep it going.
Be-all, end-all: Primary reason behind something.