OUTPACE EXTRA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,Story Analysis THE GREAT SACRIFICE Chapter 7 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

THE GREAT SACRIFICE Chapter 7 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

You are going to go through Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose THE GREAT SACRIFICE Chapter 7. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line-by-line analysis. Let us find Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose THE GREAT SACRIFICE Chapter 7.

THE GREAT SACRIFICE Chapter 7 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

Extra Questions And Answers

I. Explain with reference to context:


This is taken from the lesson ‘The great Sacrifice’, this sentence is told by the dying queen (Uddai Singh’s mother) to Panna.

Context: When the king an dqueen were killed, the dying queen gave infant prince Udai Singh to Panna’s care and requests her to save the life of the prince.


This extract is taken from the lesson ‘The Great Sacrifice’. This statement is made by Padma one of Panna’s maid.

Context : Panna and Padma were worried about the happenings in the kingdom after the kings death. Padma informed Panna that Banbir, the half – brother of infant prince Udai Singh had evil intentions of killing the prince.

YOU ARE READING: THE GREAT SACRIFICE Chapter 7 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose


This extract is taken from the lesson ‘ The Great Sacrifice. This sentence is told by Panna. Context: As Baubir comes with a sword in his hand to kill prince Udai Singh, Panna quickly changes the prince’s clothes with her son’s puts him in a basket covers it with flowers, and sends it through her mind, and asks them to hide near the gate. Banbir enters the bedchamber and mistaking the baby to be Udai Singh kills him in a choked voice.

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