OUTPACE EXTRA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,Story Analysis The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

You are going to go through Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose The Model Millionaire Chapter 6. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made ample to ensure a thorough critical and line-by-line analysis. Let us find Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose The Model Millionaire Chapter 6.

The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

A. Extra questions and answers

1. What was the beggar’s true identity? Why did Hughie mistake him for a beggar?

The beggar model was Baron Hausberg. He was one of the richest men in Europe. The beggar model had a wizened face. He looked very miserable. His tattered cloak and patched boots made him a typical beggar. So, Hughie mistook him for a real beggar.

2. Why is the model’s face, his fortune?

The beggar model had a wizened face. He looked very miserable.  His face brings money for both him wnd the painter. So,  his face in his fortune.

3. How does Baron Hausberg prove to be a ‘model millionaire’?

Hughie was a handsome young man. He had no job. So,  his financial condition was very poor. He wanted to marry Laura Merton. Her Colonel-father asked Hughie to earn ten thousand pounds of his own to marry Laura.  Hughie was unable to fulfil the condition of the Colonel. So, he was upset.

Once, Hughie visited his friend Trevor’s studio. He saw a beggar-model there. The old man had a wizened face. He looked very miserable.  His tattered cloak,  patched and cobbles boots made him a typical beggar.  Hughie took pity on him and gave him a sovereign.

Actually,  the beggar model was Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe. After knowing the truth, Hughie felt very sorry for hus act. But,  the Baron,  having learnt everything about Hughie, sent a cheque for ten thousand pounds as a reward. Thus,  the charitable act of Hughie was rewarded. Really the millionaire model was a model millionaire.

YOU ARE READING: The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

B. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow :

1. “I shall probably find him at home waiting for me’.

Question a.

Who is ‘I’ referred to?


Hughie Erskine.

Question b.

Who does you refer to?


The model beggar.

Question c.

Why does he think that he would be waiting?


He thinks that the model beggar may come to get more help from Hughie.

YOU ARE READING: The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

2. “What a duffer he must think me”.

Question a.

Who is the speaker?



b. Who does ‘he’ refer to?


The model beggar

c. What is the meaning of duffer?


a clumsy (or) awkward person.

YOU ARE READING: The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

3. “I have come from Baron Hausberg”.

Question a.

Who does ‘I’ refer to?


The messenger of Baron Hausberg

Question b.

Who had he come to meet?



Question c.

Why had he come to meet him?

Answer: To give an envelope that Baron had sent to Hughie.

YOU ARE READING: The Model Millionaire Chapter 6 Extra questions and answers of Karnataka BOARD CLASS 8 ENGLISH Prose

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