Day: May 16, 2020

Extra Questions and Answers of A Retrieved Reformation (Jimmy Valentine) || ICSE CLASS 8 || ENGLISH LITERATURE ||Extra Questions and Answers of A Retrieved Reformation (Jimmy Valentine) || ICSE CLASS 8 || ENGLISH LITERATURE ||

Extra Questions 1. Who was Jimmy Valentine? Whom did he meet in the cafe? ~ Jimmy Valentine was a skilled young safecracker who returned to society after he got released

Textbook Solutions of A Retrieved Reformation (Jimmy Valentine) || ICSE CLASS 8 || ENGLISH LITERATURE ||Textbook Solutions of A Retrieved Reformation (Jimmy Valentine) || ICSE CLASS 8 || ENGLISH LITERATURE ||

About the passage   A. Read to understand 1. Answer these questions a)Why did Jimmy Valentine go to Mike Dolan’s cafe?   ~ Jimmy Valentine after getting released from the