You will go through Textbook Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 7 The Devoted Friend Chapter 5 written by Oscar Wilde. Understanding a text’s entirety is very important for a learner to score better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 7 The Devoted Friend Chapter 5 was written by Oscar Wilde.

A. Look at the given facts and illustrate each with two examples from the story:
Hans was a kind and honest man, but his friend Hugh was selfish.
Example 1: Hans was a hardworking and generous man. That’s why the neighbours found his friendship with Hugh strange. They saw how Hugh had so much, yet never helped Hans in his crises.
Example 2: Hans worked for Hugh just for the sake of their friendship. He went to market carrying the heavy sack, he repaired he barn roof too. Hugh had just exploited him all over.
Hugh was comfortably off.
Example 1: The author has mentioned that the miller had sacks of flour in his mill, six milch cows and a large flock of sheep.
Example 2: Hugh got a new wheelbarrow and a new lantern too. His flour was also sold for a good price in the market.
Hugh took advantage of Hans.
Example 1: Hugh can be seen telling his wife how he should not visit Hans in the winter when he was in trouble. He said that Hans should be left alone and that was his notion of friendship. He would rather visit Hans in the spring and get some primroses from him.
Example 2: When Hans mentioned that he can repair the old wheelbarrow with his wooden plank, Hugh immediately exclaimed that he would rather take the plank to repair his barn’s roof. Hugh gave his damaged wheelbarrow to Hans, and in return took all the flowers off his garden and the wooden plank.
Hans wasn’t a wealthy man.
Example 1: Hans had suffered from cold and hunger. He only ate a few dried pears or some hard nuts for supper. During the winter he had no money to buy bread.
Example 2: Hans lived in a tiny cottage and lived alone.
B. Answer the Questions with reference to context:
1. ‘You are certainly very thoughtful about others,’ agreed his wife, sitting in her comfortable armchair.
a.Who said these words and to whom?
b. What instance of being ‘thoughtful’ had the person spoken to shown? Was he really ‘thoughtful’?
c. What reasons did he give for not wanting to invite Hans over?
Ans: a. Hugh’s wife said these words to him.
b. Hugh mentioned that Hans should be left alone. He explained that people should not be bothered when they were in trouble. Hugh said that he would rather visit Hans in the spring when his garden would be filled with primroses. Then Hans would be able to give him some as well and this would make him happy.
Hugh wasn’t actually being helpful. He was manipulating his wife using such noble words about friendship.
c. Hugh said that Hans would be envious of their wealth, and envy is harmful for friendship. Thus, they should not invite Hans during the winter. He also said that Hans might ask for flour on credit, which would ruin his nature. Hugh was apparently saving their friendship this way.
2. ‘I was afraid you had forgotten me.’
‘Friendship never forgets,’ said the miller.
a. Who said these words and to whom? Why did the speaker think that he had been forgotten?
b. What did the person spoken to offer the speaker? Was it a genuine offer of help?
c. What did he ask for in return? How did he affect the speaker?
d. The statement, ‘friendship never forgets’ is ironical. Can you explain why?
Ans: a. The first statement had been said by Hans, and the second one was said by Hugh. This was a conversation between Hans and his friend Hugh.
Hans thought that he had been forgotten because despite being his closest friend, Hugh did not visit him in the winter when he was in so much distress.
b. The miller offered his old, damaged wheelbarrow to Hans. He wanted to help him out. But it was not a genuine offer of help.
c. In return, Hugh asked for a wooden plank that Hans had planned to fix the old wheelbarrow with. The miller also asked Hans to fill up his basket with all the beautiful flowers that grew in his garden.
d. When the miller said ‘friendship never forgets’, it is ironical. He never bothered to visit his friend, Hans or offer him any help when he was in distress. He mistreated and exploited him whenever he got a chance. It can be noticed a number of times all over the story that Hugh had been taking advantage of Hans. Despite such noble words, he was not a good friend. Thus, the words sounded ironical coming from Hugh.
3. The next morning, the miller came to get his money, but Hans was still in bed.
a. What money did the miller come from? Why was Hans still in bed?
b. What work did the miller want Hans to do next?
c. Why was Hans worried when he heard about the work?
d. How did the miller keep exploiting Hans? What happened to his flowers as a result?
Ans: a. The miller had asked Hans to go to the market with his sack of flour and sell it. Hans sold the flour for a good price. The miller had come to collect that money.
Hans was still in bed as he was extremely tired after coming back from the market.
b. The miller wanted Hans to go to his mill and fix the barn’s roof for him.
c. Hans was worried when he heard about the work because he could not water his flowers for the last two days. This happened because he had to work for Hugh constantly.
d. Hans was asked to go to the market carrying the heavy sack. The miller also asked him to repair the barn roof. Hugh had just exploited him all over. He quoted that Hans should do this for his friend if he wanted the wheelbarrow. He said that that is what good friends do.
Hans’s flowers were not watered for two long days.
4. He ordered his horse, his big boots and lantern, and rode off in the direction of the miller’s house, Hans trudging behind him.
a. Who is ‘he’? Why had Hans come to fetch ‘him’?
b. What difficulties did Hans face as he trudged behind him?
c. What happened to Hans then? How could this mishap have been avoided?
d. What effect did it have on the miller? Do you think he was repentant for his deeds?
Ans: a. ‘He’ is the doctor. The miller’s son got hurt. That’s why Hans had come to fetch him.
b. Hans did not have a lantern, so he could not see clearly. While returning, the storm got worse. As a result, he got lost and wandered off the moor. The moor was full of deep holes. Accidently poor Hans drowned there.
c. The mishap killed Hans.
This accident could be avoided if Hand had some light. The miller could have given him his lantern that would help him see better in the storm.
d. The miller, being the “closest” friend to Hans walked at the head of the funeral procession. But he was not affected by his friend’s demise. He wiped his eyes occasionally, and complained about his wheelbarrow.
Miller was not at all repentant for his deeds.
1. List the miller’s comments on friendship and how he interpreted them.
Ans: Miller had a very unusual and toxic interpretation to the meaning of friendship. He explained that Hans would be envious of their wealth, and envy is harmful for friendship. That’s why, they should not invite Hans during the winter. He made Hand do a lot of works, and exclaimed that it was delightful to see that Hans was doing his friend’s works. According to him, this is what friends do. Also, Hugh can be seen telling his wife how he should not visit Hans in the winter when he was in trouble. He said that Hans should be left alone and that was his notion of friendship. He would rather visit Hans in the spring and get some primroses from him because that would make Hans happy.
2. Do you think Hans was foolish not to have realised that the miller was taking advantage of him? How did his trust cause his downfall?
Ans: One can infer that Hans was foolish or too naïve that he did not even realise that Hugh was taking advantage of him. He was so much impressed by all the noble words that the miller said, about friendship. He would do anything to save this friendship.
His trust caused his downfall. It harmed his work, health, and finally his life.
Fill in the blanks by completing the idioms and proverbs:
- Ira and Asiya are childhood friends who like to do everything together. They are like two peas in a pod.
- My best friend has been by my side through thick and thin.
- It was no surprise that the two former sportswomen developed a fast friendship as soon as they discovered their common love for football. After all, birds of a feather flock together.
- I was glad that my best friend and my mother got along like a house on fire.
- Since their earliest days, Sumit and his four friends had always been as thick as thieves.
- After years of quarrelling, the two old rivals decided to bury the hatchet.
- The two players were asked to mend their fences or risk being thrown out of the team.
- Ria brought me the class notes when I was ill at home; a friend in need is a friend indeed!
Read these sentences and explain why they are ironic:
1. The table’s surface was as smooth as sandpaper.
The above statement is ironic is sandpaper has a rough surface.
2. My brother is as active as a sloth.
The above statement is ironic as sloth is one of the laziest animals.
3. We heard that the police station was robbed.
The above statement is ironic as the police are responsible for catching thieves. But here, the police station got robbed by thieves.
4. He is so intelligent that he failed in almost all subjects.
The above statement is ironic as if he was really intelligent, he would not have failed in any subject.
5. I am a great cook as long as nobody comments about my cooking.
The above statement is ironic as if nobody comments, then there is possibly no other way to know whether someone has good cooking skills or not.
6. The office of the pest control is overrun by rats.
Pest control is supposed to take care of pests and rodents. It is ironic as the office itself got infested by rodents.
7. The Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz was very brave.
The character is “cowardly” lion, which is opposite to the meaning of brave.
Identify whether the underlines words are phrases (P) or clauses (C):
- Can we meet in the evening? – P
- I can’t tell you as it’s a secret. – C
- Turn the lights off before you leave. – C
- This story highlights the importance of honesty. – P
- All the fruits are kept in the basket. – P
- The children made colourful drawings on the wall. – P
- This is the young boy who won the spelling competition. – C
- The man with the bushy beard is my uncle. – C
Identify whether the underlines words are main or subordinate clauses:
- Let’s wait here till they decide what to do. – Subordinate.
- It is not clear if he wants to accompany us or stay at home. – Main.
- We met a girl who could juggle four balls at once. – Subordinate.
- We wanted to eat but the food wasn’t ready. – Main.
- We rescued the cat which had got stuck on the tree. – Subordinate.
- Can you clear up your toys before you go to bed? – Subordinate.
- Let’s play an indoor game while it is raining outside. – Main.
- Keep the vase where it can be easily seen. – Main.
Correct the misspelt words:
Differance: Difference.
Dependance: Dependence.
Performence: Performance.
Importence: Importance.
Preferance: Preference.
Choose the correct option:
- Oscar Wilde was born in Ireland.
- Wilde’s mother wrote revolutionary poems.
- Wilde married Constance Llyod in 1884.
- Wilde wrote during the Victorian era.
- He was best known for his society comedies.
- His plays were notable for their sharp wit.
- Wilde wrote the play, Lady Windermere’s Fan.