You are going to go through Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1. Understanding a text meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers OF Karnataka Board Class 8 A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1.

A day in the Ashram’ is the experience of C. F. Andrews while he stayed in the Ashram known as ‘Shanthiniketan’founded by Rabindranath Tagore, he was famous as ‘Gurudeva’. Shantiniketan was his dream school. He was one of the important educationists. All his ideas are practically applied in this school. It is one of the important internationally popular school. The beauty of Shantiniketan is not found visibly. Its importance lies in its quality of education and the way of teaching. Irrespective of age all who have visited it, appreciate and feel its inner beauty Gurudeva says that all the students learned here never forgot their student life and they reached a very great height in future life. Our ex-Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi was one of the students of Shantiniketan.
Questions and Answers
Education for Life
(Listening passage L – 1)
1. There were no classes. Students were moving around freely. Some were reading books and trying to memorize answers.
2. His son was sitting on a tree, watching the birds singing. He was also trying to draw pictures of the birds.
3. The headmaster said that reading and memorizing answers is not learning. Real learning is studying Nature and learning from it.4. No. It also means observing the surroundings and learning from them.
IRA – Some statements are given below. If you agree to tick [Yes]. If not tick [No].
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
Textbook Questions And Answers of A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1 Karnataka Board Class 8
Textbook Questions and Answers
C1 Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.
1. Who named the School Shantiniketan?
Rabindranath Tagore named the school Shantiniketan.
2. When does the day in Shantiniketan begin?
The day begins long before sunrise.
3. What is termed by Gurudev as the darling of our hearts?
Shantiniketan is termed as ‘the darling of our hearts’.
4. Which phrase is used in paragraph to mean both the old the young people?
The phrase used is “old and young alike”.
5. The boys in Shantiniketan get up early in the morning. Who else are the early risers?
The birds are the early risers.
C2. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partners.
1. What kind of work do the boys practise in the afternoon?
The boys practise handiwork such as carpentry, mechanics, spinning, weaving, painting, drafting and musical instruments.
2. What are Shantinikethan boys famous for?
Shantiniketan boys are famous for their sports and games.
3. How do the boys spend evenings before they go to bed?
The boys meditate for some time. They participate in school gatherings. They tell fairy tales, recite short dramas and sing Gurudeva’s songs.
4. Read the second Paragraph carefully what it describes is_
(b) The song of the choristers.
Textbook Questions And Answers of A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1 Karnataka Board Class 8
Read and Write:
C3 Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.
1. What is the effect of the song of the choristers on the listeners?
The beauty of the sound of the song in the silence of morning brings joy, reverence and peace to the soul of the listeners.
2. How are the classes held in the afternoon in Shantiniketan?
The afternoon classes start at 2 ‘O’Clock in Shantiniketan. The class chiefly consists of handiwork. The boys could learn their own choice of interest. The different handiwork’s to be taught were Carpentry, Spinning, Weaving, drafting, painting, music, etc.
3. How do the boys spend their evenings in Shantiniketan?
In the evening boys play in the field. They play a variety of games, especially football. After the game, the boys return from the playfields. All the boys sit to meditate in silence for a short time.
4. How are the classes at Shantiniketan different from the classes in other schools?
There are no classrooms in Shantiniketan. The classes are held in the open fields, under the trees. A group of eight or ten boys sit with their teacher under the trees and discuss things. The boys have the freedom to study what interests them. Very few books are used. The teachers help the students to learn on their own. In other schools, there are fixed timings, prescribed textbooks. The students are expected to read the books, learn the answers for questions by heart, and reproduce them in the examination. There is no freedom for the students.
Textbook Questions And Answers of A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1 Karnataka Board Class 8
5. How does Shantiniketan prepare the boys for life?
Shantiniketan was founded by Rabindranath Tagore. It is different from other schools in providing education. The boys enjoy freedom and are not forced to learn a particular thing. Teachers help the boys to learn things that interest them. There is scope for the boys to discover their own talents and capabilities. The boys enjoy learning things which would help them in their future life. The school aims at all-round development of the boys. The boys gain confidence and become ready to face the challenges of life.
C4. The writer has used the phrase ‘living education’ to describe the experience in Shantiniketan. Some features of education are given below. Classify them into the categories of ‘living education’ and ‘unimaginative instruction’.
Task 2. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ only where necessary. If no article is necessary to write (ø) in the blank.
1. an, a, a, The, ø,
2. ø, the, ø, the, an, the, ø.
3. ø, the, an, ø, ø, ø.
Task 3. Look at the following pairs of sentences. Why is ‘the’ (the definite article) used in some cases but not in others? Discuss with your partner and write the reason.
Textbook Questions And Answers of A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1 Karnataka Board Class 8
1. The indefinite article ‘a’ is used because the reference is to any ‘one’ tiger.
2. The definite article ‘the’ is used as it refers to the particular tiger on the calendar.
3. No article is used as places of worship, educational institutions, places of work, etc., have no article before them when they are referred to for the primary purpose. For example, a student would say, ‘I went to school to collect my books.’ An old student would say, ‘I went to the school to collect my TC.’
4. Here, the definite article ‘the’ is used as the reference is to one particular hospital.
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:
1. A
2. The
3. the
4. the
5. an
6. the
Textbook Questions And Answers of A DAY IN THE ASHRAM Chapter 1 Karnataka Board Class 8
Task 4. What do you understand after doing these exercises? Answer the following questions by filling in the blanks:
1. uncountable
2. plural
3. the
4. singular/countable
5. plural
6. the article, indefinite.
E. Writing:
Choice of words:
1. forgetful
2. punctual
3. lazy
4. shy
5. flexible.
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