OUTPACE Story Analysis Summary OF Karnataka Board Class 8 English Prose Chapter 4 Anandi Gopal

Summary OF Karnataka Board Class 8 English Prose Chapter 4 Anandi Gopal

You are going to go through the Summary OF Karnataka Board Class 8 English Prose Chapter 4, Anandi Gopal Understanding a story meticulously in its entirety is very important for a learner for scoring better in the exam. Experts made every effort to ensure a thorough and proper summary of the story. Let us find the Summary OF Karnataka Board Class 8 English Prose Chapter 4, Anandi Gopal

Summary OF Anandi Gopal

This is an autobiography of Anandi Gopal is an inspiration to all Indian girls. Anandi Gopal, a Brahmin Girl by birth, was the first Indian woman to receive education abroad. She also obtained a medical degree and became the first woman doctor in India.

Anandi was born on 31st March 1865 as Jamuna Joshi in Kalyan, a small town near Mumbai. Her family used to be the landlords in the town, but they had lost all their riches. She was married when she was nine years to Gopal Rao. Her name was changed to Anandi.

Her husband Gopal Rao was an ardent supporter of widow remarriage and women’s education. He began to teach her and insisted her to acquire higher education. In those days female doctors were unavailable in our country. Hence Anandi decided to study medicine.

Her husband tried hard and got her admitted to some university in America. Mrs. Carpenter of Roselle, New Jersey, by chance came to know her story and offered to host her in the USA. Anandi found it very difficult to adapt herself to the American style of life. Since Gopal Rao could not get a job there she had to stay alone in America.

YOU ARE READING: Summary OF Anandi Gopal

The superintendent and the secretary of the college were kind and offered her scholarship of $600 for three years. The room that was provided to her at the college didn’t have a proper fireplace. Is emitted a lot of smoke when lit. It was a choice between smoke and cold.

She could not afford to pay the rent if she shifted to some other place. As a result, she began to suffer from constant temperature and cough. By the end of three years, her condition worsened. In spite of this, she completed her medical degree. At the convocation where her husband was present, she got a standing ovation as she was announced to be the first woman doctor of India.

As her health deteriorated her husband admitted her to the women’s hospital in Philadelphia. She was diagnosed as having tuberculosis and was advised to come back to India. She was refused treatment by a renowned Ayurvedic specialist as she had crossed the boundaries of Indian society. Finally, on February 26th, 1887 frustrated that all her achievements were in vain, she succumbed to her disease at the age of twenty-two. Today the Maharashtra government has a Fellowship in her name for young women working on women’s health.

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