You will go through Textbook Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 7 Sabina’s Race Chapter 7 written by Ajay Krishnan. Understanding a text’s entirety is very important for a learner to score better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 7 Sabina’s Race Chapter 7 was written by Ajay Krishnan.

Complete the flowchart to show the sequence of events in the story:
Sabina’s father did not want to send her to school or to participate in the sports meet.
Anjana helped Sabina by giving her a tracksuit, a pair of running shoes, and socks.
When Abbas found out, he apologised to Anjana’s father by saying that he was really embarrassed because Sabina had asked for few things from Anjana.
Anjana remembered that her mother had watched over Sabina and her when they were young.
Anjana received a letter which said that the Sports meet is on Saturday.
On the day of the sports meet, when the sprint began, suddenly there was a tenth runner in black burkha.
1. ‘I’m going to run, Anjana. Even if he throws me out of the house.’
a. Who said these words and to whom? Who is being referred to as ‘he’?
b. Why does the speaker think ‘he’ might throw her out of the house?
c. Was the speaker disobeying ‘him’? Do you think she was right in doing so?
d. What does the given line say about the speaker?
Ans: a. Sabina said these words to Anjana. Sabina’s father, Abbas has been referred to as ‘he’.
b. Abbas did not want Sabina to participate in the school’s sports meet and run. However, she wanted to do it. That’s why Sabina feared that her father will throw her out of the house.
c. Abbas did not want Sabina to run. So, in a way she was disobeying him. But she was not doing anything wrong. She just wanted to take part in the school’s sports meet. Abbas was scared that his family would be mocked if his own daughter went against his wishes. He also did not want Sabina to study. Hence, Sabina was right in doing what she was doing.
d. The given line shows the dedication that the speaker had towards her wish to run at the school’s sports meet.
2. I asked Sabina if she wanted to have a glass of tea at the nearby stall. ‘No,’ she said, ‘I’d better go. My family wakes up by 5.’
a. Where are the two speakers?
b. What had they been doing there?
c. Why did they meet so early in the morning?
d. Why did Sabina not want to stay?
Ans: a. The two speakers are at Nehru Park.
b. They had been running and exercising.
c. Sabina and Anjana were at Nehru Park to practice, since, Sabina was about to take part in the sports meet.
d. Sabina’s family did not know want her to run. Hence, she went for her practise before they woke up in the morning. Her family usually woke up at 5. Thus, she did not want to wait after her exercise was over.
3. Nine girls gathered at the end of the tracks, bent and panting. But the tenth kept running.
a. What event is being referred to here?
b. Who was the tenth runner? What was different about her appearance?
c. Why do you think she ran keeping her identity secret?
d. Why do you think she kept running even after finishing the race?
Ans: a. The event is the sports meet at the Government High School.
b. The tenth runner was Sabina.
She had a different appearance from the other runners, as she was running in her burkha.
c. Sabina wanted to follow her dreams, but she also wanted to protect the dignity of her family. So, she kept her identity secret.
d. Sabina was extremely excited and it was her dream to finish the race. Hence, she kept running even after finishing the race.
Why did Sabina’s father regret sending her to school?
Ans: Sabina’s father regretted sending her school because she would spend hours studying and learning about science and mathematics. Eventually, she also wanted to take part in the sports meet.
What advice did Anjana’s father give Sabina? Do you think she followed it in deciding to take part in the race?
Ans: Anjana’s father told Sabina that nobody can tell her what to do and she has to take her own decisions. But simultaneously, she should be ready to take the consequences of her decisions.
Why was Sabina both laughing and crying at the end of the story?
Ans: Sabina was overwhelmed when she finished the race. Hence, she had tears rolling down her cheeks and she was laughing too. She felt a feeling of accomplishment that made her cry and smile at the same time.
Fill in the blanks with the given phrasal verbs using the meanings as clues.
Anjana jumped at the opportunity of going to summer school in Scotland.
She hung up without even saying goodbye.
Sam decided to play along with Maya’s idea of pretending to be actors, even though he did not agree with it.
Difficult situations bring out the best in her.
She could hardly hold back her tears when she was declared the winner of the competition.
The principal assured Mrs Kuruvilla that he would look into the matter.
The thief took off as soon as he saw people entering the house.
My father is my hero and I always will look up to him.
Make two new words from the given root words:
a. Social: Sociology, Socialize.
b. Obey: Disobey, Obeyable.
c. Develop: Development, Underdeveloped.
d. Believe: Believer, Unbelievable.
e. Succeed: Successful, Unsuccessful.
f. Relax: Relaxant, Relaxation.
g. Like: Likeable, Likeness.
h. Able: Suitable, Capable.
Fill in the blanks with the given form of the following verbs:
I have learnt to play the synthesizer since I was 12.
Sheila had been dancing for an hour when the phone rang.
We will have finished the project by tomorrow.
By 2025, I will have been studying for 16 years at this school.
We have been driving for 4 hours on this empty highway.
Sameer had already eaten his dinner when we arrived.
My aunt has worked as a teacher in Australia for five years.
Sudhanya had been running a popular tea stall on the beach for seven years by the time he was thirty years old.
Rewrite the sentences after correcting the errors:
The kindness is a good quality.
Kindness is a good quality.
Surprise party I got from my mother was just great!
The surprise party that I got from my mother was just great!
Let us meet for a lunch today.
Let us meet for lunch today.
The English is spoken in many countries around world.
English is spoken in many countries around the world.
I will meet you in the Shimla next weekend.
I will meet you in Shimla next weekend.
The coffee is a popular beverage.
Coffee is a popular beverage.
Earlier, people often travelled long distances on the foot or on the horses.
Earlier, people often travelled long distances on foot or on horses.
Mark the following sentences as True (T) or False (F):
Swapna was born with eleven toes. (F)
She is from Assam. (F)
Swapna ran with a bandaged foot and backache. (F)
Swapna’s father worked in a tea plantation. (F)
She got into sports with the hope of getting a good job. (F)
Swapna wanted to prove her coach wrong. (F)
Swapna’s build was not suitable for the sport she chose. (T)
Swapna became the first Indian to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. (F)