You will go through MCQ Questions And Answers Of ICSE Board Class 9 and 10 DAFFODILS. Understanding a text’s entirety is very important for a learner to score better on the exam. We made Efforts to ensure thorough and proper MCQ Questions And Answers Of ICSEBoard Class 9 and 10 DAFFODILS.

1. What did the following line depict: “I wandered as a lonely cloud.”
- The poet is talking about the daffodils in the line
- The line talks about the clouds in the sky
- The line expresses the poet’s feelings of solitude
- The line shows how happy and content the poet is in his life
2. What was the reason behind the poet’s loneliness?
- The poet ended his friendship with his best friend
- The death of his beloved brother
- The death of his lover
- The tragedies that he had to go through in life
3. Which of the following messages can you get from the poem?
- Life is temporary, and you should make the most of it
- Nature is beautiful and should be appreciated
- Friends form an important part of life and must be cherished
- One should learn to let go in life
4. What does the poet feel when he sees the daffodils?
- The poet feels happy and content
- He feels more depressed and lonelier
- The poet loves the daffodils because they are beautiful
- The flowers remind him of his family
5. How did the poet pen down the poem?
- The poem is based on actual visualization
- It was part of the poet’s imagination
- The poet’s brother told him about the daffodils
- The poet used the flowers in the poem as metaphors
6. What did the poet see beside the lake?
- A herd of cows
- A green valley
- A flock of birds
- A cluster of daffodils
7. “When all at once I saw a crowd”- Identify the poetic device.
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Hyperbole
- Pun
8. “The waves beside them danced”- Identify the poetic device.
- Hyperbole
- Personification
- Oxymoron
- Alliteration
9. “They flash upon that inward eye”- What does this line mean?
- The line talks about how the daffodils wave in the wind
- The line reminds the poet about his childhood
- Sudden reminder of his beloved’s death
- Sudden occurrence of a memory
10. What does the word ‘pensive’ mean in the poem?
- Pessimism
- Beautify
- Melancholy
- Cheerful
11. What does the word ‘jocund’ mean in the poem?
- Cheerful
- Jealousy
- Successful
- A gathering
12. In the poem, the poet compares himself to clouds. Why is that?
- The poet is roaming around aimlessly, just like the clouds
- The poet is as lonely as the clouds
- The poet just floats around and can burst any time, like the clouds
- The poet is as happy and carefree like the clouds
13. What does the first stanza of the poem primarily talk about?
- The poet’s childhood
- The poet’s state of mind
- The landscape
- The cluster of daffodils
14. Why did the poet find everything around him joyful?
- The poet was amazed by the beauty of the daffodils
- The memories of his childhood made him joyful
- The poet was mesmerized by the lake and greenery
- The poet was happy seeing the birds
15. “Continuous as the stars that shine”- What did the poet actually want to signify by the usage of the word ‘stars’?
- The breeze
- The lake
- Nature
- The flowers
16. Why did the poet say that the daffodils were shining?
- The flowers bloomed when sunshine fell on them
- The sunshine made the flowers shine
- The daffodils were golden in colour
- The daffodils were dancing in the breeze
17. What did the poet NOT think about when he saw the flowers?
- His brother
- Wealth
- His family
- His failures and successes
18. What is a “bliss of solitude” for the poet?
- The daffodils
- The greenery
- The memories of his brother
- Nature as a whole
- C) The line expresses the poet’s feelings of solitude.
- B) The death of his beloved brother.
- B) Nature is beautiful and should be appreciated.
- A) The poet feels happy and content.
- A) The poem is based on actual visualization.
- D) A cluster of daffodils.
- C) Hyperbole.
- B) Personification.
- D) Sudden occurrence of a memory.
- C) Melancholy.
- A) Cheerful.
- A) The poet is roaming around aimlessly, just like the clouds.
- C) The landscape.
- A) The poet was amazed by the beauty of the daffodils.
- D) The flowers.
- C) The daffodils were golden in colour.
- B) Wealth.
- A) The daffodils.