Extra Questions

1.Where are the children? What are they doing there?

~ The children are on the planet Venus, where the sun shines for only two hours once every seven years. The story opens on the day that the sun is due to make its appearance once again.

Margot and the other children in her school on Venus are nine years old. They came from Earth to Venus five years ago.

2.To what are the children compared?

~ At the beginning of the story, the small children are first compared to roses and weeds, intermingled, looking out a window. They are anxious for a glimpse at the sun that has not been out on Venus for seven years. They didn’t remember any memories with the sun.

3.How is the weather on Venus? How long it has been the same?

~ Venus has got a very peculiar climate. In every seven years, the sun comes out for just two hours. The rest of the time, it rains—all day long. The planet is covered with thick jungles and unruly weeds, perpetually caught in a cycle of growth and destruction.

It has been the same for the last seven years. The sun comes out only for two hours after every seven years.

4.Why were the children so excited?

~ The children were so excited to see the sun after seven years. The appearance of the sun brings out the worst in the kids. They are very excited because the sun only comes out once every seven years. None remembers the sun except Margot. They have turned to bullying to deal with the situation with Margot.

5.What effect does rain have on Margot?

~ The rains on the planet had an adverse effect on Margot. It had washed out the blue color from her eyes, the yellow from her hair, and the red from her mouth. She looked thin, pale, and sad. The other children looked at her as if she was a ghost. She was completely desolate and sad. She wanted to go back to Earth where the appearance of the sun was very common.

6.Why were the children unable to remember the sun?

~ The other children were unable to remember the sun because the sun had appeared last seven years ago only for two years. From then it was raining continuously. They hardly remember the view of the sun. They were very excited about the appearance of the sun finally after seven years.

7. What did Margot write in her story about the sun? Why was she sad?

~ When the teacher asks the children to write a poem about the sun, Margot writes “I think the sun is a flower, That blooms for just one hour.”

Margot is desolate and unhappy on Venus because she came from Earth and misses the sun. The story takes place on Venus, a planet where it rains almost all of the time. In fact, the sun has not come out in seven years. She wants to see the sun.

8.What disturbed the children at night?

~ The memory of the sun troubled the children’s. They have been raised on Venus and know nothing of life outside the underground complex they live in. The children could hardly remember anything about the sun as the sun had appeared almost seven years ago on Venus.

9.What did the children learn from the class?

~ From the class all day the children’s learned about the sun. They learned about how it resembled a lemon and how hot was the sun as they hardly remember about the sun. The sun appeared almost seven years ago only for two hours. The children were also asked to write small stories and essays and poems on the sun.

10.Describe Margot.

~ Margot is depicted as an outsider among the children. Margot was born on Earth, where she had lived until only five years earlier. Margot has memories of the rainless days she experienced back on Earth. Deeply homesick, she is unhappy with life on Venus and desperately wants to return to Earth. Because of this dramatically different background, she has severe difficulties interacting with her peers.

11.Describe the reaction of the other children towards Margot.

~The children were extremely cruel and rude to Margot, they didn’t like her. On the one day the sun went out, Margot was just as excited as the other children. She remembered the sun, but they did not. They became extra angry at her because she said she remembered it. Out of anger, the children decided to lock Margot in the closet, they were behaving immaturely.

12.Why did the children behave in this manner with Margot?

~ The children had a rude attitude towards Margot. The main reason was that she remembered the appearance of the sun as she had lived on Earth but the other children had seen the sun last when they were 2 years old and could not remember how the sun looked.

13.When and why did Margot react?

~ Margot reacted only when they sang about the sun and the summer. Then her lips moved as she watched the drenched windows. Even the mention of the sun made her happy and react in some other way. She was left desolate and sad on the planet Venus.

14.How was Margot different from the other children?

~ Margot is different from the other children because of her looks, her personality. She is a very sensitive girl who seems to have some deep-seated emotional issues. She screamed when the water touched her in the showers, that confirmed to the others how odd she was. She can remember living on Earth where the sun shone often, she finds the constant rain on Venus oppressive, and she seems to be depressed.

15.What rumor was spreading among all?

~ There was a rumor that Margot’s parents were taking her back to Earth next year. It seemed important for Margot to do so as she hated venus and couldn’t live without the sun on venus. The decision to take Margot back to her would mean a loss of thousands of dollars to her family.  Because she can remember living on Earth where the sun shone often, she finds the constant rain on Venus oppressive, and she seems to be depressed.

16.What did Margot think?

~ Margot wished if the rumor of sending her back to Earth was real. It seemed important for Margot to do so as she hated venus and couldn’t live without the sun on venus. Because she can remember living on Earth where the sun shone often, she finds the constant rain on Venus oppressive, and she seems to be depressed.

17.Why did the other children hated Margot?

~Despite all those differences, the one thing that seems to set the children against Margot. They have been raised on Venus and know nothing of life outside the underground complex they live in. That Margot remembers seeing the Sun and that she knows about life on Earth first-hand makes the children jealous of her, even though Margot doesn’t act like a know-it-all. Beyond that, the children know that she will have a chance to go back to Earth soon, a chance that evades the others.

18.What was Margot waiting for?

~ Margot was waiting and excited to see the sun once again, to feel its warmth. She was standing near the window, waiting for the sun when a few boys taunt her saying it was all a joke and the sun’s never coming out while some others locked her in a cupboard when the teacher wasn’t present there.

19.Why did the children’s lock Margot in the closet?

~ William locks Margot in the closet because the sun is coming out and he does not want her to see it. The problem between Margot and the other kids is that she is from Earth and they have lived on Venus for all of their lives.  They are jealous of Margot because she has seen the sun, and they do not remember the last time it came out when they were toddlers.

20.Why were the children avoiding looking at each other?

~ Margot does remember the sun and so the loss of seeing it for a couple of hours it could be said, is far greater for her. However, having now experienced the sun for a couple of hours while she is locked in the closet, the other children do seem to have some understanding of what they have taken from her and to feel remorse and shame. This is described in the way the children act, looking down, looking away, as they remember where she is and slowly let Margot back out of the closet after the rain begins again. When the sun comes out, the children simply forget about her in all of the excitement.  They seem to have intended to pretend to lock her in there so she would miss the sun, but then they actually did it.

21.What is the conflict of the story “All summer in a day”.

~ In the story “All Summer in a Day,” the conflict is person vs. society as one little girl is bullied by her classmates because she has seen the sun before and they haven’t. At first, the conflict revolves around Margot and William. Margot remembers seeing the Sun and that she knows about life on Earth first-hand makes the children jealous of her, even though Margot doesn’t act like a know-it-all.

22.Discuss the theme.

~ The theme of All Summer in a Day is that human nature drives people to be cruel to those who are different and inspire jealousy. In the story, the other children are being cruel to Margot.  William locks Margot in the closet because the sun is coming out and he does not want her to see it. Margot remembers seeing the Sun and that she knows about life on Earth first-hand makes the children jealous of her, even though Margot doesn’t act like a know-it-all.

23.What lesson do we get to learn from the story?

~ The story “All in a Summer Day”  teaches us that it is a warning that envy can lead to cruelty and that we should embrace other people’s differences. In the story, Margot is depicted as a timid girl, who was born on earth and remembers the sun. Margot remembers seeing the Sun and that she knows about life on Earth first-hand makes the children jealous of her, even though Margot doesn’t act like a know-it-all. William locks Margot in the closet because the sun is coming out and he does not want her to see it.  They are jealous of Margot because she has seen the sun, and they do not remember the last time it came out when they were toddlers.

24. Is the title of the story appropriate?

~ Yes, the title of the story is appropriate.

The story literally refers to the day when the sun comes out after seven long years. The children were excited to see the sun appearing after seven years. This is like the whole summer to the people living on Venus. So, it is summer not only in the atmosphere but also in their mind.

25.How does life on earth differ from that of Earth?

~ The most significant difference is that Venus has a climate of perpetual rainfall, the sun could be hardly seen. It rains continuously, as this story opens, the children in the classroom are excited by the knowledge that, for just one brief moment, the sun will be visible in the sky. This is an event so rare that, in a class of nine years old, none of the children save Margot herself has any memory of what the sun actually looks like. The transition of living on this world of perpetual rainfall seems to be at the center of Margot’s difficulties adjusting to life on Venus.

26.Is the story “All summer in a day” a fiction?

~ The short story “All Summer in a Day” tells of a group of children in a school on the planet Venus. It has been raining for seven years, and now the sun is due to shine for a few hours. One of the students, Margot, remembers what the sun was like on Earth and tries to describe it to their classmates. They don’t believe her and cruelly lock her in a closet. She misses the appearance of the sun, although she has craved it more than any of them because she knows what it is like. They don’t remember her until the sun is gone again. They are truly remorseful as they let her out. Although scientific research has updated what we know of Venus, and so the science in this story does not hold up, it is science fiction because it speculates on what was the scientific reality of the time.

27.What does the sun represent all summer in a day?

~ In the story ” All summer in a day” the sun is the most important symbol. It embodies all of nature, and its effects on people demonstrate the inextricable connection between humans and the natural world. The sun appears on Venus after seven years only for two hours. The children could hardly remember anything about the sun and so they were excited to see the sun after long.

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ABOUT THE POET Sarojini Naidu was a renowned, poignant, prolific writer of Indian history who by her literary and patriotic works earned the sobriquet ‘ The Nightingale of India’. Born on February 13, 1879, at Hyderabad, India; Sarojini Naidu was a political activist, feminist, and the first